The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Tool" (Instrument) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I took a girl to the shed,

And the light was very dim there.

I wanted, I wanted to show her,

My dear, my tool.


This is what I cherish!

I'll show her now!

Her interest was great,

And she began to look at the tool,

Gently stroking it with her hand,

Wanting very much to have it too.


This is what I cherish!

I'll show her now!

The saw plunged into her rib,

The hammer struck her pretty head with a ringing sound!

An axe in the back, an awl in the hand!

The knife I use to cut metal plunged into her groin!


This is what I cherish!

I'm taking them from my darling's corpse!

My tools!

Завёл я девушку в сарай,

И был там очень тусклый свет.

Я ей хотел, хотел показать.

Свой дорогой, свой инструмент.


Вот это, чем я дорожу!

Я ей сейчас покажу!

Интерес её был велик,

И инструмент она начала смотреть,

Нежно рукой гладить его,

Очень хотеть его тоже иметь.


Вот это, чем я дорожу!

Я ей сейчас покажу!

Пила вонзилась ей в ребро,

По милой башне звонко молоток поддал!

В спину - топор, в руку - сверло!

В пах впился нож, которым режут металл!


Вот это, чем я дорожу!

Из трупа милой достаю!

Мои инструменты!

The song "Instrument" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) is an example of black humor, sarcasm, and grotesque, characteristic of the band's work. The lyrics present a deliberately created contrast between the innocent description of a date and the brutal ending, which creates an effect of surprise and shock.

The meaning of the lyrics is multifaceted:

Literal interpretation: The lyrical hero lures a girl into a barn to show off his tools, which turn out to be murder weapons. The text explicitly describes a scene of violence but does so with a dose of absurdity and irony.

Metaphorical interpretation: The "instrument" can be interpreted as a metaphor for male dignity, and the scene in the barn as an allegory for a failed sexual experience, possibly due to premature ejaculation ("The saw plunged into her rib..."). The crude, bloody images in this case symbolize disappointment, fear, and embarrassment.

Social satire: Perhaps the song is a satire on the male ego, on men's propensity for domination and violence. The image of the "instrument" that the hero is so proud of can be interpreted as a symbol of aggressive masculinity.

It is important to note that the lyrics of the song are intentionally provocative and should not be taken literally. The authors' goal is to shock the listener, to evoke laughter through tears, to make them think about the dark sides of human nature.

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