The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Inquisitor" (Inkvizitor) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Frozen stone walls of the dungeon stand,

Cries of horror and weeping echo through the land.

Muttered a man under his breath, trembling from the night's hangover,

"In me, God now has his executioner!"

A gray monk, with a cross, and in black attire,

Descended with a torch to the dungeon's mire.

"All who are here must suffer and despair!"

"I hear God's voice, He desires your tears!"

I despise laughter!

I loathe the call of fleshly desires!

People, you are losing your faith -

It is a mortal sin!


If you ask, what is my part in this display?

I punish with God's sword, come what may!

You have betrayed your faith, it's true!

Therefore, woe unto you!

The flesh is foolish!

A mere husk, easily swayed!

With evil, the immortal soul is filled,

Enslaving God's creation, never stilled.


If you ask, what is my part in this display?

I punish with God's sword, come what may!

You have betrayed your faith, it's true!

Therefore, woe unto you!

People, have faith in us!

In scaffolds and pyres, there's no fuss!

Only pain and endless suffering, you see,

Can truly set your spirit free!

But I can only confess to myself, it's true,

Their torment is a tribute to my ego, it's true,

Every night, I flog my own flesh with a whip,

But the lust within me, I cannot seem to grip!

Застыли каменные стены подземелья,

Слышны повсюду крики ужаса и плач,

Шептал под нос себе мужик, дрожа с похмелья

-"В моём лице теперь у Бога есть палач!"

Седой монах с крестом и в чёрном одеянии,

Спустившись с факелом в темницу, произнёс:

-"Все, кто здесь есть, должны испытывать страдания!

Я слышу Бога, он желает ваших слёз!"

Ненавижу смех!

Зов плотских утех!

Люди, вы теряете веру -

Это смертный грех!


Если спросишь, я тут при чём!

Я караю Божьим мечом!

Веры нет, ты предал её!

Горе в том твоё!

Плоть - она глупа!

Словно скорлупа!

Злом бессмертный дух насыщая

Божьего раба.


Если спросишь, я тут при чём!

Я караю, Божьим мечом!

Веры нет, ты предал её!

Горе в том твоё!

Люди, верьте нам!

Плахам и кострам!

Только боль и только страданья

Помогают вам!

Но признаться я могу лишь себе одному!

Их страданья - тщеславию дань моему,

Каждой ночью истязаю кнутом свою плоть,

Только похоть я никак не могу побороть!

The lyrics of the song "Inquisitor" by the band "Korol i Shut" depict a cruel and hypocritical servant of the church who hides his sadistic inclinations behind divine will.

The image of the inquisitor:

From the first lines, we see a man who takes pleasure in the suffering of others. He fancies himself the "executioner of God," an arbiter of destinies who is allowed to pass judgment on others. The phrase "mumbled the man under his breath, trembling with a hangover" shatters the image of a righteous man, revealing his true nature - a sinner hiding behind a mask of holiness.

Hypocrisy and lust for power:

The inquisitor justifies torture and executions with a divine mission, declaring that "God desires your tears!" He calls laughter and carnal pleasures sin, denying natural human needs and desires. In the chorus, he assures that he is not to blame for the suffering of people, that he only "punishes with the sword of God."

Internal struggle:

However, in the last lines of the song, the hero admits to himself that his actions are dictated not by faith, but by vanity and lust. He tries to drown out the pangs of conscience by torturing his own flesh, but he cannot get rid of his dark desires.


The song "Inquisitor" is a critique of fanaticism, hypocrisy and cruelty hiding behind the mask of religion. It shows how people obsessed with lust for power use faith to justify their dark deeds.

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