The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Master of the Forest" (Hozyain lesa) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I have a knife, I have a crossbow

They have served me for a thousand years

I have a forest, it is my home

I have lived in it all my life.

Clouds drift over the crowns of the forest

If I shoot, I shoot to kill.

The thread of my past years is broken

I learned to live in a new way

Man is gone, he is no more,

And from his body a demon was born.

Eternal torment,

Eternal boredom.


Now all the spirits from fairies to demons

Call me the master of the forest,

Shaggy beasts serve me faithfully,

Over time, everyone began to respect me.

By a spell I summon my flesh

I recognize the same hunter in it

And the green blood revives it,

Only the heart that beats is no longer mine.

Now all the leprechauns, as well as the satyrs

People, wolves, bears and even vampires

Recognize my power, they are right in this

After all, no one wants reprisals against themselves.

У меня есть нож, есть арбалет

Они служат мне уже тысячу лет

У меня есть лес, это мой дом

Всю свою жизнь обитаю я в нём.

Над кронами леса плывут облака

Если стреляю, то наверняка.

Моих прошлых лет порвана нить

Я по-новому научился жить

Человек исчез, его больше нет,

А из тела его демон вышел на свет.

Вечная мука,

Вечная скука.


Нынче все духи от феи, до беса

Меня называют хозяином леса,

Мне преданно служат лохматые твари,

Со временем все уважать меня стали.

Заклинанием плоть вызываю свою

Всё того же охотника в ней узнаю

И зелёная кровь оживляет её,

Только сердце стучит уже не моё.

Нынче все лепреконы, а так же сатиры

Люди, волки, медведи и даже вампиры

Признают мою власть, они в этом правы

Ведь не хочет никто над собою расправы.

The song "Master of the Forest" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells the story of a supernatural being who has gained dominion over the forest. The lyrics are full of dark beauty and a mystical atmosphere, and the image of the protagonist evokes mixed feelings: fear, interest, and sympathy.

From the first lines, the hero appears before us as an ancient and powerful creature, as evidenced by the words "a thousand years" and the possession of weapons. The forest for him is not just a habitat, but a whole world where he is the absolute authority. He also possesses supernatural abilities – marksmanship and the power to cast spells.

However, behind the seeming power lies a tragic fate. The phrase "the thread of my past years is broken" hints at the transformation that happened to the hero, separating him from the past. The former image is lost, the person he once was is gone, giving way to a demonic essence. This metamorphosis, although it gave the hero power, doomed him to "eternal torment" and "eternal boredom", depriving him of the opportunity to live a full life.

The hero is alone in his greatness. Spirits, leprechauns, satyrs, even vampires – all recognize his power, but more out of fear than respect. Even the "flesh of the hunter" he summons is just a pathetic copy of the past, animated by "green blood" – a symbol of magic and unnaturalness.

In the song "Master of the Forest", the band "Korol i Shut" masterfully combines folklore motifs with philosophical reflections on the price of power, loneliness, and the loss of human essence.

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