The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Bare chefs" (Golyie koki) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Don't try to comfort me, it won't help.

My beloved girlfriend hurt me very badly.

Shame troubles me constantly,

She saw me completely naked.


Naked buns, naked buns,

Naked buns, naked buns.

'Unheard of nonsense!' - my friends and neighbors tell me:

'For women, such a sight is not ugly!

Only naive children are ashamed of such things.

In essence, naked buns are beautiful!'


But I understand this issue much deeper,

If everyone started showing their buns together,

Girls would soon get tired of this sight

And then they would treat buns calmly!


Не надо меня утешать, это мне не поможет.

Любимая девушка очень жестоко обидела.

Стыдливое чувство меня беспрестанно тревожит

Она меня с голыми коками взяла и увидела.


Голые коки, голые коки,

Голые коки, голые коки.

"Неслыханный вздор!" - говорят мне друзья и соседи:

"Для женщин подобное зрелище не безобразно!

Стыдятся подобных вещей лишь наивные дети.

А, в сущности, голые коки - это прекрасно!"


Но этот вопрос понимаю гораздо я глубже,

Когда бы все начали коки показывать дружно,

Девчонки бы вскоре от этого вида устали

И к кокам тогда б относится бестрепетно стали!


The lyrics of the song "Naked Cocks" by the band "Korol i Shut" are filled with irony and sarcasm. The lyrical hero tries to cope with an awkward situation using hyperbole and absurdity.

The hero is upset, his "beloved girl hurt him very badly" by seeing him naked ("with naked cocks"). The word "cocks" is most likely a euphemism, replacing a more rude designation of male anatomy. The choice of such a word enhances the comic effect, presenting the hero as naive and confused.

Friends try to reassure the hero, assuring that there is nothing shameful in nudity. However, their arguments bring no solace.

In the chorus, the phrase "naked cocks" is repeated many times, becoming a kind of refrain that reflects the hero's obsessive idea of his own awkwardness.

Further, the hero develops the idea, bringing the situation to the point of absurdity: if everyone showed their "cocks", the girls would get used to it and stop paying attention to it. This is the sarcasm: the hero understands the absurdity of his logic but cannot cope with his own shame.

The song makes fun of the complexes and fears associated with physicality, exposing them through grotesque and black humor.

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