The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Magician" (Fokusnik) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Days have flown by,

My tricks, so strange to all,

Have found success at last.

And for many years,

Keeping my secrets close,

I've offered a dramatic scene.


Yes, tricks are a lie,

Grown-ups think they're wise.

Still, for them,

My secrets remain

Unexplained, a surprise.

They beg me to:

"Deceive us, please!

We long to witness a miracle!"

I emerge from the dark.

But in an instant,

The light will be horrified,

Upon learning that

There are no tricks to find.


Yes, tricks are a lie,

Grown-ups think they're wise.

Still, for them,

My secrets remain

Unexplained, a surprise.

They beg me to:

"Deceive us, please!

We long to witness a miracle!"

I emerge from the dark.

The solutions to the tricks, alas, are quite banal:

Muskets with gunpowder - and all the deaths are real!

Пролетели дни,

Фокусы мои,

Странные для всех,

Обрели успех.

И немало лет,

Свой храня секрет,

Драматичный я

Предложил сюжет.


Что ж, фокусы - ложь,

Взрослые знают умы.

Все же, для них

Тайны мои


Просят они:

«Нас обмани!

Чудо хотим видеть мы!»

Выхожу из тьмы.

Но в один момент

Ужаснется свет,

Лишь узнав о том,

Что подвохов нет.


Что ж, фокусы - ложь,

Взрослые знают умы.

Все же, для них

Тайны мои


Просят они:

«Нас обмани!

Чудо хотим видеть мы!»

Выхожу из тьмы.

Разгадки фокусов, увы, весьма банальны:

Мушкеты с порохом - и смерти все реальны!

The song "The Magician" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of an illusionist whose tricks, initially considered strange, eventually gained success. The magician, keeping his secrets for many years, offers the audience a "dramatic plot", immersing them in a world of illusions.

The chorus of the song reveals the duality of the perception of magic tricks. On the one hand, adults understand that magic tricks are a deception, a "lie" based on sleight of hand and distractions. On the other hand, despite being aware of the deception, they still crave wonder, asking the magician to "deceive" them and show them something inexplicable. The magician, emerging "from the darkness", satisfies this desire by immersing the audience in a world of fantasy and wonder.

However, the climax of the song overturns the usual perception of magic tricks. It turns out that behind the illusions lies a terrible reality. The phrase "muskets with gunpowder - and all deaths are real!" destroys the usual line between deception and truth. Magic tricks cease to be harmless entertainment, turning into something frightening and dangerous. The audience, eager for deception, is not ready for the fact that "there are no tricks" and faces irreversible consequences.

The final repetition of the chorus takes on a sinister connotation. The words "adults know the minds", "they ask: 'Deceive us!'" now sound like bitter irony. The audience, eager for wonder, was not ready to face the real darkness hidden behind the scenes of illusions.

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