The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Andy Kaufman" (Endi Kaufman) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

This guy is a reflection

Of all the foolish things we've piled up within ourselves over the years.

The audience begs for more.

Lately, he's been discussed everywhere:

They say Andy Kaufman can split in two,

Put on a hell of a show -

He'll knock 'em dead!

Give it to them!


Hey, believe that your success is not a dream.

The whole room laughs with you in unison.

The fact that you're a man from the moon to many,

Is just part of your game.

And again, in his own way,

Breaking stereotypes, he shocks the audience.

Yes! He's the best in this field!

He's created a very unusual stage persona;

After all, Andy Kaufman is a notorious provocateur.

The jester laughs, and the conservative rages.


Hey, believe that your success is not a dream.

The whole room laughs with you in unison.

The fact that you're a man from the moon to many,

Is part of the game, part of your game.

Этот парень - отраженье

Тех глупостей, что мы годами копили в себе.

Зритель просит продолженья.

В последнее время его обсуждают везде:

Мол, Энди Кауфман раздвоиться может,

Начало шоу своему положит -

На всех положит!

Дай жару!


Эй, поверь, что твой успех - не сон.

Зал с тобой смеется в унисон.

В том, что ты для многих - человек с Луны,

Лишь часть твоей игры.

И опять в своей манере

Он, стереотипы ломая, шокирует зал.

Да! Он лучший в этой сфере!

Весьма необычный сценический образ создал;

Ведь Энди Кауфман - знатный провокатор.

Смеется шут, и злится консерватор.


Эй, поверь, что твой успех - не сон.

Зал с тобой смеется в унисон.

В том, что ты для многих - человек с Луны,

Часть игры, часть твоей игры.

The song "Andy Kaufman" by the Russian band "Korol i Shut" is dedicated to the famous American comedian known for his eccentric and provocative style. The lyrics don't so much describe Kaufman himself as they do the public's reaction to his work.

The first verse talks about how Kaufman became a mirror for the audience, reflecting their hidden desires and "stupidities." His popularity is growing, everyone is talking about him, and his image is overgrown with legends, for example, about his ability to bilocate.

The chorus is an appeal to Kaufman himself, a call to believe in his success and ignore the critics. The phrase "man from the Moon" emphasizes his alienness, his strangeness to the layman, but assures him that it is only a part of his stage persona.

The second verse continues the theme of Kaufman's confrontation with the conservative public. He breaks stereotypes, shocks and provokes, thereby incurring the wrath of conservatives and the laughter of like-minded people.

The altered chorus focuses on the theatricality of Kaufman's image, calling it "part of the game."

Overall, the song "Andy Kaufman" is a hymn to freedom of expression and a call not to be afraid to be different. Kaufman in the song is a symbol of rebellion against dullness and boredom, an example of courage and creative freedom.

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