The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Two Thieves and a Coin" (Dva Vora i Moneta) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Two thieves, cleverly escaping a chase,

Decided to divide the stolen gold.

In the old cemetery, at evening's hour,

They sat down side by side on an abandoned grave.

And it seemed that they had an equal share of the riches,

But here's the trouble - the last coin remained.

One shouted: "It's mine - I fought better!"

"What would you have done, friend, without my advice?!"

"Give me the coin, or I'll get angry!"

"I don't care! I'm not afraid of your anger!"

"But I stole the money and pulled off the whole thing!"

"Without my ideas, you fool, you wouldn't have taken a step!"

"What should we do with the coin, how should we divide it?"

"Let's give it to the dead man!"

"Excellent! So be it!"

"I was quicker, so the coin is mine!"

"I won't allow you to be richer than me!"

"I'll grab you by the throat now and tear you apart!"

"I'll kill you with a club and take all the money!"

"What should we do with the coin, how should we divide it?"

"Let's give it to the dead man!"

"Excellent! So be it!"

And the dead man, rattling his bones, suddenly rose from the earth:

"You've driven me mad, you cursed ones, by God, you have!"

The thieves instantly exchanged glances and ran away.

And the dead man took all the gold with him to the grave!

Два вора, лихо скрывшись от погони,

Делить украденное золото решили.

На старом кладбище вечернею порою

Уселись рядом на заброшенной могиле.

И вроде поровну досталось им богатство,

Но вот беда - последняя монета.

Один кричит: "Она моя - я лучше дрался!"

"Да что б ты делал, друг, без моего совета?!"

- Отдай монету, а не то я рассержусь!

- Мне наплевать! Я твоей злости не боюсь!

- Но ведь я похитил деньги и все дело провернул!

- Без моих идей, невежа, ты б и шагу не шагнул!

- Что же делать нам с монетой, как же нам ее делить?

- Отдадим покойнику!

- Отлично! Так тому и быть!

- Я был проворней, значит денежка моя!

- Не допущу, чтоб ты богаче был чем я!

- Сейчас вцеплюсь тебе я в горло и на части разорву!

- Я прибью тебя дубиной и все деньги заберу!

- Что же делать нам с монетой, как же нам ее делить?

- Отдадим покойнику!

- Отлично! Так тому и быть!

И мертвец, гремя костями, вдруг поднялся из земли:

"Довели меня, проклятые, ей богу, довели!

Воры вмиг переглянулись, и помчались наутек.

А мертвец все золото с собой в могилу уволок!

The song "Two Thieves and a Coin" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) ridicules greed and stupidity. Two criminals, instead of rejoicing in a successful robbery, quarrel over the last coin. Each considers his contribution to the crime more significant and refuses to yield.

The lyrics are full of irony. The characters threaten each other with violence, but their threats seem comical against the backdrop of the insignificance of the object of the dispute. The phrase "What should we do with the coin, how should we divide it? - Let's give it to the dead man! - Excellent! So be it!" is repeated twice, emphasizing the absurdity of the situation. The thieves are ready to give the coin to a dead man, but not to each other.

The culmination comes when the dead man rises from the grave. Instead of being frightened, he expresses his displeasure, accusing the thieves of "driving him to this." As a result, the dead man takes all the gold, leaving the hapless robbers with nothing.

The song teaches us that greed and selfishness are destructive. In pursuit of momentary gain, the characters lose something more. The ending of the story can be interpreted as a punishment for greed and a reminder that there are more important things than material goods.

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