The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Two Monks on One Night" (Dva Monaha v Odnu Noch) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The wind howled in the night, the rain poured down

A knock on the door - I opened it wide

There stood a drenched monk, all chilled to the bone

I welcomed him in, gave him shelter from the storm.

I sat him at the table, he didn't utter a word

I poured him some tea, but again a knock was heard

The same monk stood there, his eyes met mine

"Grant me shelter for the night, I've lost my way," he sighed.

"Look at yourself," I said, "who are you to deceive?

You claim you're lost, but you're the one I can't believe!"

"You know me well," he whispered, "I came here last night too."

Smiling, I shut the door, "You can't fool me, I see through you!"

I turned back, stunned, for there at my table he sat

With a steaming cup of tea, and me, staring right back.

В ночи ветер завыл и дождь сильный был

В дверь постучали - я тут же открыл!

А там, на улице был монах промокший

И весь продрогший и я его впустил.

Его я усадил за стол и он молчал

Ему чаю я налил, но снова кто-то постучал

Тот же монах за дверью стоял

И на меня глаза он поднял:

«На ночь приюти - сбился я с пути».

Но тут сказал ему я: «Взгляни на себя,

Кто ты такой, чтоб дурачить меня?»

А он мне говорил: «Меня ты знаешь,

Я прошлой ночью к тебе заходил».

Я дверь с улыбкой закрыл - войти ему не дал:

«Меня ты не удивил и не такое я видал!»

В дом я вернулся и обалдел -

Там с кружкой чая гость мой сидел.

Его увидел я и рядом с ним себя.

The lyrics of the song "Two Monks in One Night" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tell the story of a lyrical hero's encounter with his mystical doppelganger, an embodiment of his dark side.

The song begins with the hero portrayed as a hospitable host, ready to shelter a traveler from a storm. However, when the same monk knocks a second time, the hero sees it as a deception and chases him away. It is important to note that there is already an element of strangeness at this stage: the hero is not surprised to see the same monk, soaked to the bone, just moments later.

The culmination of the song is the scene where the hero, returning home, sees the uninvited guest sitting at the table. But the most frightening thing is that he sees himself next to him. This moment is the quintessence of mystical horror that permeates the text.

The image of the doppelganger is a common motif in literature and art. It symbolizes the hidden sides of the personality, repressed desires and fears. The doppelganger is often a harbinger of misfortune, and its appearance does not bode well.

The ending of the song remains open, leaving the listener in suspense and wondering about the nature of what they have seen. Was it a real doppelganger, a creature of supernatural forces, or did the hero face his own madness? There is no single answer, and everyone is free to interpret the ending in their own way.

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