The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Two friends" (Dva druga) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Two friends walked home

Down the night-time road.

Suddenly, out of the forest

Robbers came in a whole crowd.

One guy sobbed, fell to his knees:

'Oh, don't touch me,

I will do anything for you!'

And the chieftain said, putting his hands in his pockets:

'Here's a knife, take it,

If you want to live -

Kill your friend!'

And then a scream rang out,

And a knife plunged into a chest.

The chieftain, at that very moment,

Quietly said: 'Well then,

Seize the scoundrel!

Tie him up!

Throw him in the pit with the corpse!'

The order was strange,

But nevertheless, at that very moment,

The murderer and the dead man

Were seated there, face to face.

Two friends walked home

Down the night-time road.

Suddenly, out of the forest

Robbers came in a whole crowd.

Два друга шли домой

Дорогой ночной.

Вдруг разбойники из леса

Вышли целою толпой.

Один парень зарыдал, на колени упал:

"Ох не троньте вы меня

Все для вас исполню я!"

И сказал атаман, руки сунув в карман:

"Вот нож, вот возьми его,

Коль хочешь жить -

Убей друга своего!"

И вот раздался крик,

И в грудь вонзился нож.

Атаман в тот же миг

Тихо произнес: "Ну что ж,

Взять мерзавца!

Его свяжите!

Киньте в яму вместе с трупом!"

Странным был приказ,

Но все же в тот же час

Убийцу и мертвеца,

Их усадили там лицом напротив лица.

Два друга шли домой

Дорогой ночной.

Вдруг разбойники из леса

Вышли целою толпой.

The song "Two Friends" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a story about betrayal, cowardice, and the irony of fate. Two friends, walking home on a dark night, encounter a band of robbers. One of them, overwhelmed by fear, is ready to do anything to save his own life. The ataman, testing his resolve, orders him to kill his friend in exchange for freedom.

And then the unthinkable happens – one friend plunges a knife into the other. It seems that the coward has achieved his goal – he is alive, and the robbers got what they wanted. But suddenly, the ataman orders his men to seize the murderer. He calls him a "scoundrel" and orders him to be thrown into a pit along with his victim.

The ending of the song leaves a depressing impression. The traitor, ready for anything to save his own worthless life, ends up punished. Not only did he not find freedom, but he also doomed himself to an even more terrible fate – eternal torment of conscience, because he will lie in the same grave with the one he betrayed.

The song makes you think about the value of human life, the strength of true friendship, and the fact that betrayal inevitably leads to death, even if at first it seems that it helped to avoid punishment. The irony of fate lies in the fact that cowardice, designed to save a life, leads to an even more tragic end.

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