The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Grandfather at the wedding." (Ded na svadbe) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The party is nearing its end,

The feast at the festive table is done.

An old man sits in an unknown languor

And watches the dawn break outside the window.

The bride enters, the groom hanging on her,

The old man lazily shifts his gaze to them.

Then he laughs: "Did he fall in a ditch?"

He outdrank all the men at the wedding.


And the bride answers the old man,

Not taking her eyes off the groom:

"He overdid it, it happens to everyone.

I remember you too, I remember you, your old woman dragged you away."

The guests sleep on benches behind the tables,

There’s no one for the old man to talk to.

The floor is littered with drunken bodies,

He decided to pour himself another drink.

Then he opens his toothless mouth,

And sings a song in a hoarse voice.

The words are: "Where are you, grandfathers and fathers?"

In response, the dead howled in the cemetery.


And the bride answers the old man,

Not taking her eyes off the groom:

"He overdid it, it happens to everyone.

I remember you too, I remember you, your old woman dragged you away."

And in the morning, a hangover began,

Hell is breaking loose in their heads.

Guests suffer the consequences of the fun,

But there’s no vodka left in the cellars.

"Grandpa drank it all!" someone exclaimed in the heat of the moment,

And then backed away in horror.

The bride shuddered, muttering in fright:

"But he died ten days ago..."


And the bride answers the old man,

Not taking her eyes off the groom:

"He overdid it, it happens to everyone.

I remember you too, I remember you, your old woman dragged you away."

"He overdid it, it happens to everyone.

I remember you too, I remember you, your old woman dragged you away."

Близится гулянка к завершенью,

Закончен пир за праздничным столом.

Сидит старик в неведомом томленьи

И смотрит, как светает за окном.

Вошла невеста, и на ней повис жених,

Старик лениво переводит взгляд на них.

Затем смеётся он: "Никак в канаве был?"

Всех мужиков на свадьбе деда перепил.


И старику невеста отвечает,

От жениха глаза не отводя:

"Он перебрал, ну с кем такого не бывает.

Я помню и тебя, я помню и тебя твоя старуха волокла".

Гости спят на лавках за столами,

Не с кем старику поговорить.

Пол завален пьяными телами,

Он решил себе ещё налить.

Затем он открывает свой беззубый рот,

И хриплым голосом он песенку поёт.

Слова такие: "Где ж вы, деды и отцы?"

В ответ на кладбище завыли мертвецы.


И старику невеста отвечает,

От жениха глаза не отводя:

"Он перебрал, ну с кем такого не бывает.

Я помню и тебя, я помню и тебя твоя старуха волокла".

А наутро началось похмелье,

Чёрти что творится в головах.

У гостей последствия веселья,

Но водки не осталось в погребах.

"Всё выпил дед!" - воскликнул кто-то сгоряча,

А после в ужасе попятился назад.

Невеста вздрогнула, в испуге бормоча:

"А ведь он умер десять дней тому назад..."


И старику невеста отвечает,

От жениха глаза не отводя:

"Он перебрал, ну с кем такого не бывает.

Я помню и тебя, я помню и тебя твоя старуха волокла".

"Он перебрал, ну с кем такого не бывает.

Я помню и тебя, я помню и тебя твоя старуха волокла".

The song "Grandfather at the Wedding" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a sinister and supernatural guest at a wedding celebration.

The song begins with an old man who seems alien to the general merriment. He observes the events from the sidelines, and his laughter at the groom, who presumably crawled out of a ditch, sounds more mocking than good-natured. Already here, the first suspicion creeps in that something is wrong with the grandfather.

The chorus, repeated throughout the song, reveals an even stranger picture. The bride, without taking her eyes off the groom, responds to the old man's remarks. One gets the impression that she is the only one who notices and communicates with him. Her words "I remember you, I remember you, your old woman dragged you" hint at the grandfather's wild past and the fact that he may have been known for his fondness for alcohol.

Further, the atmosphere becomes more and more gloomy. The old man is left alone among the sleeping guests, surrounded by "drunken bodies". His song "Where are you, grandfathers and fathers?" and the answering howl from the cemetery leave no doubt that this is not just a living person in front of us.

The culmination is the morning hangover, when it turns out that the grandfather drank all the vodka. The reaction of the guests to this news is full of horror, because the grandfather died ten days ago.

The final lines of the song, repeating the bride's words, leave a depressing impression. One gets the feeling that she knew that the grandfather was dead, but did not attach any importance to this, accepting his presence as something self-evident.

In general, the song "Grandfather at the Wedding" is a story about the collision of life and death, fun and mourning, reality and the otherworldly. It makes you think about the fragility of human life and that some boundaries should not be crossed.

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