The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Choibalsan" (Choybolsan) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

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С партбилета хитро смотрит

Очень жёлтое лицо.

Трус, палач, предатель, шкура

И заядлый коммунист!

Хэй! Хэй! Чойболсан!!!

Он насиловал всех женщин.

Он насиловал коня.

Он стрелял из арбалета,

Правда мимо попадал!

Хэй! Хэй! Чойболсан!!!

The song "Choibalsan" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) is a satirical piece that mocks stereotypes about the communist regime and its leaders. Despite mentioning a real historical figure, Khorloogiin Choibalsan, the leader of the Mongolian People's Republic, the song does not aim to provide a historically accurate picture of his personality or activities.

Meaningful layers of the song:

Grotesque and absurd: The lyrics of the song are deliberately exaggerated and absurd. The accusations against Choibalsan ("coward, executioner, traitor, scoundrel") are presented without evidence and in an exaggerated form, creating a comedic effect.

Anti-communist satire: The song mocks the personality cult characteristic of totalitarian regimes. The yellow face on the party card, the rape of women and a horse - all these are exaggerated images that ridicule the cruelty and immorality attributed to communist leaders in propaganda.

Irony: Despite the aggressive tone and insulting accusations, the song is riddled with irony. The absurdity of the situation, when the crossbowman "missed the target", emphasizes the absurdity of the charges.

Musical component: The melody of the song, performed in the punk-rock style characteristic of "Korol i Shut", enhances the satirical effect, creating a contrast between the seriousness of the topic and the deliberately frivolous presentation.

It is important to note that the song "Choibalsan" is not a historical treatise, but a work of art that uses satire and grotesque to criticize totalitarianism and the cult of personality.

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