The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Rebel" (Buntar) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

An adventurer,

A natural-born artist

And a convinced

Anarchist poet,

He was an inspiration

For the crowd,

Never strayed

From his path in life.

He never lied to himself,

And he thought this way:

"I love freedom,

The system is my enemy!"

There is no life

From the arbitrariness of the authorities,

And from officials

Of all stripes!

Only the thread of luck

Was cut short -

For the anarchist

Justice was found.


It's easy to get lost within four walls,

Slowing down the run of life.

The gloomy hospital won't understand his truth,

He's not human to them.

My connection with the familiar world

Is broken.

I look into these faces

And I feel dirt.

I'm getting ready to fight the system,


To merge with madness,

No longer afraid.

Life loses its meaning,

Everywhere a vicious circle:

Hopelessness, figures

In robes around.

They've seen

How people break.

There were thinkers here

And rebels.


It's easy to get lost within four walls,

Slowing down the run of life.

The gloomy hospital won't understand his truth,

He's not human to them.

I'm in the same ward with the mentally ill.

I understand them, I've become close to them.

I want to make a revolution in the hospital,

But how to revive the doomed faces?!

The dead kingdom is stuck in time.

I fill the space with the spirit of struggle,

But every night I get scared

At the thought that you can lose your mind.

Protest is objective, our success is possible,

And everyone who poisons us will be overthrown.

And those who always give orders here,

Are no less insane - I noticed right away.

I challenge this whole misfortune,

Cherishing the fact of its petty power!

I challenge this whole misfortune,

Cherishing the fact of its petty power!


Прирожденный артист

И убежденный

Поэт - анархист,

Он для толпы

Вдохновителем был,

В жизни с пути

Своего не сходил.

Не врал себе сроду,

И думал он так:

«Люблю я свободу,

Система - мой враг!»

Нет жизни от

Произвола властей,

И от чиновников

Разных мастей!

Лишь нить везения

Оборвалась -

На анархиста

Управа нашлась.


В четырех стенах очень просто заблудиться,

Замедляя жизни бег.

Не поймет его правды мрачная больница,

Он для них не человек.

С привычным мне миром

Разорвана связь.

Смотрю в эти лица

И чувствую грязь.

С системой я биться

Готовлюсь, смеясь,

С безумием слиться,

Уже не боясь.

Жизнь теряет свой смысл,

Всюду замкнутый круг:

Безнадега, фигуры

В халатах вокруг.

Как ломаются люди

Видали они.

Были тут и мыслители

И бунтари.


В четырех стенах очень просто заблудиться,

Замедляя жизни бег.

Не поймет его правды мрачная больница,

Он для них не человек.

В одной я палате с душевнобольными.

Я их понимаю, я сблизился с ними.

Хочу революцию сделать в больнице,

Но как оживить обреченные лица?!

Увязло во времени мертвое царство.

Я духом борьбы наполняю пространство,

Но каждую ночь мне становится жутко

От мысли, что можно лишиться рассудка.

Протест - объективен, успех наш - возможен,

И каждый, кто травит нас - будет низложен.

И те, кто всегда отдают здесь приказы,

Безумны не меньше - заметил я сразу.

Бросаю я вызов всей этой напасти,

Лелеющей факт своей мелочной власти!

Бросаю я вызов всей этой напасти,

Лелеющей факт своей мелочной власти!

The song "Rebel" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a man who fought the system and fought for freedom all his life. He is an adventurer, an artist, a poet, an anarchist. He did not recognize authorities and lived by his own rules, inspiring others by his example. The hero believed in his truth and was not afraid to express his opinion, considering the system his enemy.

However, luck turned away from the rebel, and he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. The surrounding reality is a vicious circle, "hopelessness, figures in gowns around." In the hospital, he does not feel understood, for doctors he is just mentally ill. The hero compares his situation to imprisonment: "It's very easy to get lost within four walls, slowing down the run of life." He acutely senses a break with his familiar world, feeling falsehood and dirt in the people around him.

But even in the hospital, the spirit of rebellion is not broken. The hero does not give up and is ready to fight the system even in isolation, even through merging with madness. He sees that madness is not limited to the walls of the hospital, and calls insane those who are in power, "who poison" and give orders. The rebel challenges the system, its "petty power", believing in the possibility of victory and the triumph of justice.

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