The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Mutiny on the ship!" (Bunt na korable!) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The times have come,

Life's gone bad,

"Things are lousy!" - the sailors said.

We strayed from the plan,

Believed a sham,

And the ship was ruled by rum instead.

Arguments in the hold,

Fights every night bold,

"Strike first to survive!" - the rule we knew.

Hungry and sick,

Poisoned, it's a trick,

Fed slop like pigs, it's true.


Hey! Hey! - Who's not afraid,

I'll answer the call!

Hey! Hey! - We've set our sail,

To meet the devil's squall!

The captain's in his room,

Hides in his cabin's gloom,

Probably pisses in there too, I'd say!

Won't face the men,

Just leads us by the nose again,

And his orders get dumber by the day.

This whole affair,

Has become unbearable to bear,

Discontent's a plenty, a whole load!

Seems the captain doesn't care,

About anything, it's more than fair,

A mutiny has sparked in the Pacific's broad!


Hey! Hey! - Who's not afraid,

I'll answer the call!

Hey! Hey! - We've set our sail,

To meet the devil's squall!

Sailors with blades in hand,

Rushed to the cabin door, they ran,

A voice from inside called out in the fray;

"Cheer up, me lads!

Our song will never fade!

Steer to the bay, find us a dock, I say!"

That very minute,

They burst into the cabin, hit it,

Sailors froze, enveloped in the night's pale light,

At the table sat,

A body cold and flat,

A parrot strolled on the captain's lifeless sight!


Hey! Hey! - Who's not afraid,

I'll answer the call!

Hey! Hey! - We've set our sail,

To meet the devil's squall!

Времечко настало,

Жить хреново стало,

Моряки твердили - "Дело дрянь!"

Шли мы не по плану,

Верили обману,

И на корабле царила пьянь.

В трюмах споры,

Каждый вечер ссоры,

Если хочешь выжить - первым бей!

Голодно и тошно,

Травят, как нарочно,

Кормят, чем попало, как свиней.


Хэй! Хэй! - Кто не трус,

Я тому отвечу!

Хэй! Хэй! - Держим курс,

Дьяволу навстречу!

Капитан в уюте,

Прячется в каюте,

Мочится, наверно, тоже в ней!

К людям не выходит,

За нос, только водит,

А его приказы все глупей,

Это дело

Всем осточертело

Недовольства много - целый пуд!

Видно, капитану,

Все по барабану,

В Тихом океане вспыхнул бунт!


Хэй! Хэй! - Кто не трус,

Я тому отвечу!

Хэй! Хэй! - Держим курс,

Дьяволу навстречу!

Моряки с ножами,

К двери подбежали,

Голос из каюты прозвучал;

-"Веселей, ребята!

Наша песня свята!

В бухту заходи, ищи причал!"

В эту же минуту,

Ринулись в каюту,

Моряки и замерли во мгле,

За столом сидело

Умершее тело,

Попугай бродил по голове!


Хэй! Хэй! - Кто не трус,

Я тому отвечу!

Хэй! Хэй! - Держим курс,

Дьяволу навстречу!

The song "Mutiny on the Ship!" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a crew's rebellion against their captain. The lyrics paint a picture of the sailors' harsh lives, full of hardship and injustice.

From the very first lines, we see that the crew is on the verge of despair: "The time has come, Life has become unbearable". The sailors are disillusioned, deceived in their expectations ("We weren't following the plan, We believed a lie"), and there is widespread drunkenness and despair.

The conditions on the ship are appalling: hunger, disgusting food, constant quarrels and fights ("Arguments in the holds, Fights every evening, If you want to survive - strike first!"). The image of being fed "whatever's available, like pigs" emphasizes the disrespectful attitude towards the crew.

The captain, on the other hand, is presented to us as a tyrant, indifferent to the suffering of his men. He has isolated himself from them in his cabin, "He doesn't come out to the people, He only leads them by the nose", and his orders are becoming increasingly absurd. The sailors' discontent grows ("There's a lot of discontent - a whole pood!"), until it erupts into open mutiny.

The chorus of the song "Hey! Hey! - Who's not a coward, I'll answer to him! Hey! Hey! - We're holding course, Towards the devil!" conveys the crew's determination to fight for their rights, even if they have to face the devil himself.

The climax of the song is the scene of the storming of the captain's cabin. The sailors, consumed by anger, are ready for anything. However, the ending is unexpected: the captain is dead. His lifeless body sits at the table, while a parrot walks on his head.

The final chorus, repeated after the captain's death, takes on a sinister tone. The mutiny is over, but what awaits the crew next? It is unknown. The song leaves a lingering feeling of uncertainty and anxiety.

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