The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Fool and the Lightning" (Durak i Molniya) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Thunder rumbles,

Lightning flashes in the night,

And on the hill a madman stands and cries:

'Now I will catch you in my bag,

And you will sparkle in it

I want you to be mine so much!'.


The fellow rushes to the forest,

Now to the field, now to the stream.

He strives to catch

The lightning!

All the village people,

Came out to watch this,

How a madman ran and worked wonders on the hill.

'He must be out of his mind,

He must be his own enemy,

To think of such a thing - what a fool!'


In the morning on the village road,

The night hero walked slowly,

All shaggy and gray,

And smiled...


Грохочет гром,

Сверкает молния в ночи,

А на холме стоит безумец и кричит:

"Сейчас поймаю тебя в сумку,

И сверкать ты будешь в ней

Мне так хочется, чтоб стала ты моей!".


То парень к лесу мчится,

То к полю, то к ручью.

Все поймать стремится


Весь сельский люд,

Смотреть на это выходил,

Как на холме безумец бегал и чудил.

"Он, видно, в ссоре с головою,

Видно, сам себе он враг,

Надо ж выдумать такое - во дурак!"


Утром по сельской дороге,

Медленно шел ночной герой,

Весь лохматый и седой,

И улыбался...


The lyrics of the song "The Fool and the Lightning" by the band "Korol i Shut" tell a story about insane passion and the pursuit of the unattainable.

The image of the madman standing on a hill during a thunderstorm, trying to catch lightning in a bag, is a metaphor for a person obsessed with passion. Lightning, elusive and dangerous, symbolizes a desired object that the hero seeks to subdue to his will. The phrase "you will shine in it, I want you to be mine!" emphasizes the selfish nature of the hero's desire: he longs to possess the lightning without thinking about the consequences.

The reaction of the villagers ("He must be out of his mind... What a fool!") reflects public opinion about the hero. His act seems absurd and insane to them. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is an eccentric who does not understand reality.

The final scene, where the hero walks along the road "disheveled and gray-haired" but smiling, leaves an open ending. Perhaps he realized the futility of his attempts and resigned himself to defeat. Or maybe his smile is a sign that he has gained something important in his insane search, perhaps a new outlook on the world or himself.

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