The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Down with the gopniks!" (Doloy gopotu!) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Down with factory owners and other occupiers,

Down with all the persecution of our chants.

Throw grenades at the fan stands!

Nail the damned majors to the fences!


Down with the gopniks!

Give us beauty!

The Earth is beautiful!

All punks and hippies will get their gonorrhea.

And all pacifists will get their shot.

Browns should be mixed with blues

And the mixture of reptiles should be poured on the pavements.


Down with the gopniks!

Give us beauty!

The Earth is beautiful!

The boys are on duty in the people's squads.

They come to Saigon in company cars.

'Show your documents, don't wave your hands'.

Sergeant's shoulder straps are not sewn with bast either.


Down with the gopniks!

Give us beauty!

The Earth is beautiful!

Долой фабрикантов и других оккупантов,

Всякие гонения на наши песнопения.

Мечите гранаты в трибуны фанатов!

Гвоздите к заборам проклятых мажоров!


Долой гопоту!

Даёшь красоту!

Прекрасна Земля!

Все панки и хиппи получат свой триппер.

А все пацифисты получат свой выстрел.

Коричневых надо смешать с голубыми

И смесью из гадов полить мостовые.


Долой гопоту!

Даёшь красоту!

Прекрасна Земля!

Дежурят ребята в народных дружинах.

К Сайгону приезжают в служебных машинах.

"Покажь документы, руками не маши ты".

Сержантские лычки тоже лыком не шиты.


Долой гопоту!

Даёшь красоту!

Прекрасна Земля!

The lyrics of the song "Down with Gopniks!" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) are a satire on the social problems and conflicts typical of Russia in the 1990s. Behind the mask of aggressive slogans and calls for violence lies an ironic reflection of reality, where different social groups clash, and ideals of freedom and beauty are opposed to ugliness and injustice.

The first verse paints a picture of social tension, where "manufacturers" (a symbol of wealth and power) are contrasted with ordinary people. "Persecution of our songs" can be interpreted as a restriction on freedom of speech and expression. The images of grenades and fences studded with nails exaggerate the aggression and violence that reign in society.

The chorus, repeated throughout the song, expresses a desire to get rid of "gopniks" - a symbol of ignorance, aggression and bad taste. "Beauty" in this context is opposed to ugliness not only external but also internal, moral. The image of a beautiful Earth serves as a utopian ideal to strive for.

The second verse continues to develop the theme of social contradictions, including the opposition of punks/hippies and "pacifists", "browns" and "blues". Mixing these groups and "watering the bridges" with this mixture is a grotesque image, symbolizing the absurdity of social conflicts and intolerance.

The third verse ridicules the hypocrisy and corruption that flourish in society. "Guys" from the people's militia, called upon to maintain order, themselves abuse their position by coming to Saigon (a place associated with entertainment and forbidden pleasures) in official cars. The phrase "'Show me your documents, don't wave your hands'" parodies the typical speech of representatives of power. The mention of "sergeant's stripes" hints that corruption permeates all levels of society.

It is important to understand that the lyrics of the song should not be taken literally. "Korol i Shut" have always been masters of outrageousness and black humor. "Down with Gopniks!" is not a call to violence, but rather a cry of despair and an attempt to draw attention to the problems of society through satire and the grotesque.

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