The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Girl and the Count" (Devuschka i Graf) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The Count strolled through the park with a beautiful dame,

The castle's outline shimmered in the gloom.

By the gate, a dog howled mournfully,

While the maiden held the Count in a tender embrace.

"What a night, my dear Count,

The moon shines so bright. And the whisper of leaves,

The rustle of grass, the wind amplifies.

To be yours forever, I dream,

And in this hour, let my love touch you!"

"In the castle's depths, my treasures lie,

At your feet, my love, I'll lay all my riches,

You shall be my mistress, to you, I'll give eternity.

Believe me, all will be as I say!"


Morning will become a dream, and night will last forevermore!

We are alone in this vast, dark world...

- My blood boils with desire!

- I can help you with that!

The heavens grow wider.

"Your gaze, so deep, it draws me in, it beckons.

I can't understand myself: I'm drawn to you so strongly.

You're so mysterious, you've captivated me,

And in your power lies my flesh and blood!"

"Oh, how many are ready to give their blood for pleasure!

In them lies bliss and love, like sleep and awakening.

But the Count is always alone beneath the icy vault of darkness.

He loves to dream of death."


С прекрасной дамой граф разгуливал по парку

Во мгле виднелись очертания замка

Где у ворот собака грустно завывала,

Девица графа очень нежно обнимала.

"Какая ночь, мой милый граф,

Луна так ярко светит. И шепот листьев,

Шелест трав усиливает ветер.

Навеки вашей стать мечтаю я,

И в этот час пускай моя любовь коснется вас!"

"В подвалах замка у меня сокровища хранятся,

К твоим ногам, любовь моя, сложу я все богатства,

Моей ты станешь госпожой, тебе я вечность подарю.

Поверь, все будет так, как говорю!"


Утро станет сном, и будет вечно длиться ночь!

Мы одни в огромном темном мире...

- Кровь закипает в сердце!

- Я смогу тебе помочь!

Небеса становятся все шире.

"Какой у вас глубокий взгляд, как он влечет и манит.

Я не могу себя понять: меня к вам сильно тянет

Вы так таинственны, заворожили вы меня

и в вашей власти плоть и кровь моя!"

"О, сколько их, готовых кровь отдать за наслажденье!

В них есть блаженство и любовь, как сон и пробужденье.

Но граф всегда один под леденящим сводом тьмы.

О смерти обожает видеть сны".


The song "The Girl and the Count" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of an encounter between a beautiful girl and a mysterious count with a dark secret. In the romantic setting of a night park, full of mystery and whispering leaves, the count charms the girl with promises of eternal love and untold riches. He paints a picture of their future together, where she will be his mistress and he will shower her with luxury.

However, behind the beautiful words and passionate declarations lies a sinister truth. The images of a "sadly howling dog," a "freezing vault of darkness," and dreams of death hint at the count's true nature – he is a vampire, doomed to eternal existence in darkness. The phrase "Morning will become a dream, and night will last forever!" confirms this, symbolizing the endless cycle of night for a vampire.

The girl, blinded by the count's beauty and his promises, does not notice the ominous signs. She is drawn to him by an unknown force, ready to surrender to the power of his charms. The final words "He loves to dream of death" finally destroy the illusion of romance, exposing the count's predatory nature.

The song is built on the contrast between outward attractiveness and inner darkness, between the illusion of love and cruel reality. It makes you think about the fact that danger can lurk behind the mask of charm and encourages you to be careful when trusting beautiful promises.

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