The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Joker" (Djoker) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

How cunning you are, Joker!

You are the sentence of luck!

A challenge has been thrown to the players -

To my main enemies.

Their dreams will be scattered to dust.

You are always in my hands.

You and I are destined

To be the main players in this game.

With a cigar in the casino,

I drink expensive wine,

Smiling at everyone around,

A rich man - my friend!


Your bets, gentlemen,

Always delight my eyes!

Ruining you effortlessly

Will be possible for me again -

Joker's in the game!

But my luck has run out!

A player equal to me has emerged.

He read my thoughts,

Knew all my secrets.

And at the crucial moment,

The Joker is not with me,

I am broken, shocked:

- How could he?!


Your bets, gentlemen,

Always delight my eyes!

Ruining you effortlessly

Will be possible for me again -

Joker's in the game!

- Joker, you betrayed me!

I grab the gun!

And shoot at the deck of cards -

My gambling urge can't be contained!

Just as I hit the Joker,

My opponent fell.

The lead entered between his eyes -

It's the end for both of us.

That I didn't shoot the guy,

I assured everyone around.

- It was the Joker, - I shouted, -

He was playing with me!


I languish in a damp cell,

A card with a hole in front of me.

The Joker was my ally,

But now, alas,

I'm out of the game!

Как же, Джокер, ты хитёр!

Ты удачи приговор!

Брошен вызов игрокам -

Главным моим врагам.

Их мечты развеем в прах.

Ты всегда в моих руках.

Суждено тебе и мне

Главными быть в игре.

Я с сигарой в казино

Дорогое пью вино,

Улыбаюсь всем вокруг,

Богач - мой друг!


Ваши ставки, господа,

Глаз мой радуют всегда!

Разорить вас без труда

Вновь удастся мне -

Джокер в игре!

Но везенья вышел срок!

Равный мне возник игрок.

Мои мысли он читал,

Все мои тайны знал.

И в решающий момент

Джокера со мною нет,

Я разбит, повержен в шок:

- Да как он мог?!!


Ваши ставки, господа

Глаз мой радуют всегда!

Разорить вас без труда

Вновь удастся мне -

Джокер в игре!

- Джокер, предал ты меня!

Пистолет хватаю я!

И палю в колоду карт -

Мой не сдержать азарт!

Лишь я в Джокера попал,

Как соперник мой упал.

Между глаз вошёл свинец -

Мне и ему конец.

Что я в парня не стрелял,

Всех вокруг я уверял.

- Это Джокер, - я кричал, -

Со мной играл!


Чахну в камере сырой,

Карта с дыркой предо мной.

Джокер был союзник мой,

А теперь, увы,

Я вне игры!

The song "Joker" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells the story of a gambling addict who believes that luck is on his side thanks to the Joker card.

The first verses describe the euphoria of a gambler:

The Joker is a symbol of luck, a "verdict" that guarantees victory.

The lyrical hero challenges other players ("main enemies"), confident in his victory.

He feels like the master of the situation, because the "Joker is always in his hands."

Next, we see how luck turns the hero's head:

He enjoys luxury - drinks expensive wine in a casino, communicates with rich people.

He is pleased with the opportunity to ruin other people, he enjoys the very process of the game.

The turning point comes when the protagonist meets a worthy opponent:

This player seems to see right through him, unraveling his strategy and anticipating his actions.

At a crucial moment, luck turns away from the hero, he loses the Joker and suffers a crushing defeat.

In despair and anger, the hero blames the Joker for his loss:

He shoots at the deck of cards, unable to accept defeat.

The bullet hits the Joker card just as his opponent falls dead.

The ending of the song is tragic:

The hero ends up in prison, claiming that it was the Joker who killed his opponent.

However, there is a clear subtext: the player himself shot the opponent in a fit of rage, and now he is going crazy, blaming the card for everything.

The main meaning of the song is to show the destructive power of excitement, which can deprive a person of reason and push him to crime. The Joker here acts not only as a symbol of good luck, but also as a metaphor for the illusions that a person creates for himself in order to justify his vices.

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