The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Ekaterina" the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

It's night outside, the rain is pouring, lightning flashes,

Puddles all around, impossible to drive, impossible to walk,

My darling, I don't understand you at all,

Why are you so eager to leave?


I beg you, oh Catherine, stay with me tonight,

Stay or are you disgusted by my untidy room?

I beg you, just don't be silent, I'm so tired of this silence...

Teach me how to communicate with you, mind you, I'm peeing my pants.

Loneliness for me, the road in the night for you,

Can't we avoid this?

There's not much time left until morning,

I think it's worth waiting out the bad weather.


You know what, stubborn beauty,

Stop threatening me with your leaving!

If you like the nasty weather so much,

You can swim, and I'll just go to sleep!


Ночь за окном, хлещет дождь и молнии сверкают,

Лужи кругом, не проехать, не пройти,

Милая, я вас совсем не понимаю,

Ну почему так стремитесь вы уйти?


Прошу вас, о Екатерина, останьтесь этой ночью у меня,

Останьтесь или вам противна неубранная комната моя?

Прошу вас только не молчите, я так устал от этой тишины...

Меня общенью с Вами научите, учтите, что я писаюсь в штаны.

Мне - одиночество, вам - в ночи дорога,

Разве не можем мы этого избежать?

Времени до утра не так уж много

Думаю, стоит ненастье переждать.


Знаете что, разупрямая красотка,

Хватит уходом своим мне угрожать!

Если вам нравится мерзкая погодка,

Можете плыть, а я просто лягу спать!


The lyrics of the song "Ekaterina" by the band "Korol i Shut" ("The King and the Jester") tell the story of a lyrical hero's awkward attempt to keep a girl named Ekaterina at his home during a thunderstorm.

The first verse paints a picture of a stormy night: rain, lightning, impassable puddles. The hero addresses Ekaterina, not understanding her desire to leave in such weather. He tries to appear caring, but his pleas are saturated with desperation and awkwardness.

The chorus reveals the hero's true feelings. He begs Ekaterina to stay, wondering if the reason for her leaving is the mess in his room. He confesses his loneliness and inability to communicate with women, even humorously mentioning his anxiety.

The second verse continues the theme of opposition. The hero is afraid to be left alone, while Ekaterina does not seem to be afraid of either the bad weather or the night road. He invites her to wait out the storm, hoping for continued communication.

The third verse radically changes the tone of the song. The hero's patience has run out. He calls Ekaterina a "stubborn beauty" and accuses her of manipulation. Behind the threat lies resentment and disappointment. In the end, he gives up, inviting Ekaterina to "swim" (an image referring to the first stanza), and decides to go to bed himself.

The image of Ekaterina is not revealed, we see her only through the eyes of the hero. He tries to appear romantic and caring in front of her, but his insecurity, awkwardness and, finally, aggression destroy this image. The song leaves a feeling of sadness, awkwardness and understatement, characteristic of the early works of "King and the Jester".

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