The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Two-Headed Spawn" (Dvuhgolovyiy Otpryisk) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A thin crescent moon sails across the sky,

Grandfather in the garden drinks moonshine.

Thoughts gnaw at him -

He remembered his son.

They were not lucky with the baby, alas -

He was born two-headed, as bad luck would have it.

His wife took the son

And carried him into the forest.


Oh, why did he let his wife,

Destroy such a baby!?

The boy would be twice as smart,

To my joy.

The woman screamed: 'Your boy is a freak,

What will people think of us!?'

Then the grandfather shed a tear.

He drank and poured himself another.


He began to scold his old woman,

Then he felt the urge to relieve himself.

The grandfather looked sternly at his

Two large, powerful streams...


Тощий месяц по небу плывет,

Дед в огороде самогонку пьет.

Мысли гложут его -

Вспомнил он сынка своего.

С младенцем им, увы, не повезло -

Родился двухголовым, как назло.

Жена сына взяла

И в лес его унесла.


Ах, зачем позволил жене,

Погубить такого младенца!?

Был бы парень умнее вдвойне,

На радость мне.

Кричала баба: "Твой пацан - урод,

Что подумает о нас народ!?"

Тут дед слезу уронил.

Выпил, снова налил.


Старуху начал он свою бранить,

Затем приспичило ему отлить.

Грозно дед смотрел на свои

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The song "Two-Headed Offspring" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the tragic story of a grandfather tormented by guilt and grief. He had an unusual son - born with two heads. His wife, frightened by public condemnation and unable to cope with the situation, decided to get rid of the child, taking him into the forest.

The meaning of the song is multifaceted.

Firstly, it shows the tragedy of superstition and ignorance. Instead of accepting the unusual child, society sees in him only ugliness, a curse. The fear of "what people will say" pushes the mother to a terrible act, and the father - to inaction.

Secondly, the song raises the theme of guilt and repentance. The grandfather, who did not stop his wife and effectively betrayed his own son, is tormented by guilt all his life. He seeks solace in alcohol, but this only intensifies his suffering. The image of "two streams" at the end of the song possibly symbolizes the duality of his feelings: on the one hand - the bitterness of loss, on the other - anger at his wife and himself.

Thirdly, "Two-Headed Offspring" is a metaphor for otherness, difference, rejected by society. A child with two heads is a symbol of everything unusual, unconventional, something that does not fit into the framework.

In general, "Two-Headed Offspring" is a dark and poignant song about human cruelty, fear of the unknown, and the inability to accept what goes beyond the ordinary. It leaves behind a heavy aftertaste and makes you think about important issues of morality, responsibility and humanity.

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