The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Zombie walks." (Hodit Zombi) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

An old witch was tired of a drunkard,

Who wandered by her fence day after day.

What did he like about her hut?

His thieving mind coveted her alcohol.

She tried to frighten him, but he didn't care!

And then the old woman came up with a cunning plan:

She put out a sausage with some kind of poison,

In a prominent place, so that the fool would notice it.

Night darkness -

You can't see an inch.

But somewhere there,

living brains!

I can feel it -

They're there!

Because I want

to eat so badly!

Kill him

The old woman wanted

This eternally

Drunk body,

But God

Doesn't need him either,

The dead man is looking for dinner.

He's a Christian?

That's a lie!

Over him again

Evil is circling!

Look how

Dead drunk he is!

The ghoul begins

To bite the villagers!

Kill him

The old woman wanted

This eternally

Drunk body,

But God

Doesn't need him either,

The dead man is looking for dinner.

Колдунье старой надоел один пьянчуга,

Что у забора её бродит день-деньской.

И чем понравилась ему её лачуга?

На спирт позарился умишко воровской.Нагонит страху, а ему что в лоб, что по лбу!

И тут задумала старуха хитрый план:

С какой-то дрянью она выставила колбу,

На видном месте, чтоб заметил тот болван.

Ночная мгла -

не видно ни зги.

Но где-то там,

живые мозги!

Точно чую -

Там они есть!

Ведь я хочу

ужасно есть!


Старуха хотела

Это вечно

Пьяное тело,

Но он Богу

Тоже не нужен,

Ужин ищет мертвец.

Он христианин?

Это враньё!

Над ним опять

Кружит вороньё!

Глядите как

Мертвецки он пьян!

Гад начинает

Кусать селян!


Старуха хотела

Это вечно

Пьяное тело,

Но он Богу

Тоже не нужен

Ужин ищет мертвец.

The song "Walking Zombie" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of an old witch and an annoying drunkard. The old woman is tired of the drunkard's constant presence near her hut and decides to get rid of him. She suspects that he is interested not in her, but in the hidden alcohol, and decides to use this to her advantage.

The old woman resorts to magic and uses a potion to turn the drunkard into a zombie. It seemed to her that this was the perfect solution: to get rid of the annoying neighbor and doom him to eternal torment. However, the witch's plan backfires. The zombie, driven by eternal hunger, begins to terrorize the neighborhood, attacking the peasants.

The meaning of the song is that any evil, even directed at a seemingly villain, generates even greater evil. The old woman, wanting to get rid of just one drunkard, doomed many people to suffering. The story also satirizes human vices: the greed of the old woman, the drunkenness of the man, and the ignorance of the peasants.

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