The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Tavern Keeper" (Hozyain Tavernyi) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

- Welcome, my friends, to my tavern!

I rent rooms for the night! You're in Paradise here!

If coins are jingling in your pockets,

I'll be glad to have you!

I serve drinks to my guests,

And learn a thing or two from them.


The tavern, hidden in the forest deep,

Awaits honest folk to keep!

My dear guest,

Don't jest!

My wife, a beauty, is ready to serve you all!

To feed you, give you drink, and put you to bed.

I swear to God, she's a saint, my wife!

Not at all like me!

I'll cast a sly glance your way.

Everyone here is happy to see my wife!


The tavern, hidden in the forest deep,

Awaits honest folk to keep!

My dear guest,

Be honest with me!

And if a guest values his own hide,

He won't lay a finger on what's mine!

My dear wife can't hide from persistent eyes,

I'm ashamed of you guys.

What is she to do now -

Not wash herself

And cover herself in soot?!


The tavern, hidden in the forest deep,

Awaits honest folk to keep!

My dear guest,

Don't jest!

What kind of people are there these days?

They never cease to amaze me!

I sheltered them for the night and treated them well,

But I never promised them my wife!


Finger on the trigger,

Smoke from the barrel,

You, my friend, are a thief!

End of discussion!

- Добро пожаловать, друзья, в таверну мою!

Я на ночь комнаты сдаю! Вы здесь, как в Раю!

Если у вас в карманах денежки звенят,

Вам буду я рад!

Гостям я выпить подаю,

От них чего-то узнаю.


Таверна, что в глуши лесной,

Ждёт народ честной!

Гость мой дорогой,

Не шути со мной!

Жена - красавица, готова всех обслужить!

И накормить, и напоить, и спать уложить.

Богом клянусь, она святая у меня!

Совсем не то, что я!

Я брошу вслед вам хитрый взгляд.

Моей жене здесь каждый рад!


Таверна, что в глуши лесной,

Ждёт народ честной!

Гость мой дорогой,

Честен будь со мной!

И если гость своею шкурою дорожит,

Не посягнёт на то, что мне принадлежит!

Милой жене не скрыться от настырных глаз,

Мне стыдно за вас.

Да что ж теперь -

Не мыться ей

И в саже вымазаться всей?!


Таверна, что в глуши лесной,

Ждёт народ честной!

Гость мой дорогой,

Не шути со мной!

Что за люди нынче у нас?

Им удивляюсь всякий я раз!

Их приютил я на ночь и угощал,

Но ведь жену им не обещал!


Палец на курок,

Из ствола дымок

Ты, приятель - вор!

Кончен разговор!

The song "Tavern Keeper" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a hypocritical and lustful innkeeper who hides his true nature behind a welcoming facade. He invites guests to his tavern, promising heavenly conditions and service. However, behind this courtesy lies self-interest: he is only glad to see those who have "money clinking" in their pockets.

The innkeeper brags about his beautiful wife, who is "ready to serve everyone." But his words betray not love and respect, but rather a possessive attitude and a lustful desire to put her on display. He is aware of his wife's attractiveness to the guests and is jealous of her, hiding behind hypocritical phrases about the "honesty" and "holiness" of his wife.

The song clearly shows the duality of the situation: on the one hand, the owner declares hospitality, on the other hand, he blames the guests for their "insatiable" glances at his wife. The culmination is a scene where the owner, blinded by jealousy, is ready to use a weapon, accusing the guest of theft, although in reality he did not encroach on someone else's property.

Thus, the song ridicules the hypocrisy, greed and lust that hide behind the mask of kindness and hospitality.

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