The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Idol" the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Casimir found an idol in the mountains,

Threw it on his shoulders, grinned and walked along,

At that very moment, damn them all,

People appeared before him, as if from the ground,

They all stood in his path,

-'Look! Olof has appeared to us, in the flesh!

We are all blessed to witness this,

The ancient prophecy has come true!'


'Hello, my friends and brethren,

Do not grovel at my feet!

You must understand quickly,

That I am no God to you,

No God!!!'

- 'What nonsense is this?! Never before

Have I felt stupider than now!

People, for God's sake! You've gone mad!

Tell me, how am I different from you?!'

A prophet slowly stepped out of the crowd,

-'Brothers! Before us, without a doubt, is our God!

I suggest we all kneel!

This is what he must have said!!!'


'Hello, my friends and brethren,

Do not grovel at my feet!

You must understand quickly,

That I am no God to you,

No God!!!'

Casimir cried out - 'This is utter madness!!!

In some ways, I may be a God, but overall, certainly not!'

The prophet replied - 'This means our Lord,

Wants us to grind his flesh into dust!'

They held a council to decide as soon as possible -

Is it possible to never sin on earth?

The best minds concluded - 'Burn him, so he doesn't become

Like US!!!


'Hello, my friends and brethren,

Do not grovel at my feet!

You must understand quickly,

That I am no God to you,

No God!!!'

Казимир в горах идола нашел,

Взял его на плечи, улыбнулся и пошел,

В этот же момент, черт их подери,

Люди перед ним возникли, словно из земли,

Встали все они на его пути,

-"Посмотрите! Олоф к нам явился, во плоти!

Это лицезреть всем нам довелось,

Древнее пророчество сбылось!"


"Привет, вам, друзья и братья,

У моих не валяйтесь ног!

Должны поскорей понять вы,

Что я вам никакой не Бог,

Не Бог!!!"

- "Что за ерунда?! Раньше никогда

Я себя не чувствовал глупее, чем сейчас!

Люди, е-мое! Вы сошли с ума!

В чем, скажите вы, мое отличие от вас?!

Вышел из толпы медленно пророк,

- "Братцы! Перед нами, без сомнения, наш Бог!

Предлагаю всем на колени встать!

Это он и должен был сказать!!!"


"Привет, вам, друзья и братья,

У моих не валяйтесь ног!

Должны поскорей понять вы,

Что я вам никакой не Бог,

Не Бог!!!"

Крикнул Казимир - "Это полный бред!!!

В чем-то я и Бог, но в целом, безусловно, нет!"

Отвечал пророк - "Это значит, наш Господь,

Хочет, чтобы в прах мы обратили его плоть!"

Устроили совет, чтоб скорей решить -

Можно - ли ни разу на земле не согрешить?

Вывели итог лучшие умы - "Сжечь его, чтоб он ни стал

Таким, как МЫ!!!


- "Привет, вам, друзья и братья,

У моих не валяйтесь ног!

Должны поскорей понять вы,

Что я вам никакой не Бог,

Не Бог!!!"

The song "Idol" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells the story of a man named Casimir who finds himself in an absurd and tragicomic situation. Finding an idol in the mountains, he decides to take it with him. This innocent act leads to an unexpected reaction from those around him: people mistake Casimir for the embodiment of an ancient prophecy, for Olaf himself, their deity.

Despite Casimir's desperate attempts to explain that he is an ordinary man, the crowd, blinded by fanaticism and faith in prophecy, refuses to listen. Casimir's words are misinterpreted, his denials are interpreted as divine humility.

The image of the prophet in the song embodies religious hypocrisy. He uses the situation to consolidate his power over the crowd, interpreting Casimir's words to his own advantage.

The culmination is the decision to burn Casimir so that he "does not become like them" - that is, an ordinary, sinful person. This decision reflects the fear of destroying the familiar picture of the world, the fear of accepting otherness, and the desire to destroy everything that does not fit into the established framework.

"Idol" is a satire on religious fanaticism, blind faith, and people's inability to think critically. The song exposes the hypocrisy of religious figures and the tragicomedy of a situation in which a person becomes a victim of their own chance and the inability of others to think rationally.

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