The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Ivan Fakov" the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

My name is Ivan Fakov...

Ivan Fakov loved crayfish with his beer,

Loved beer with his crayfish, loved to live life dear.

Ivan Fakov loved to swing his spade,

Worked for three men, excavators he hated.

And if anyone ever met this Vanya,

He'd smile nicely and introduce himself right away:

'Ivan. Ivan Fakov'...



Ivan Fakov loved to sing romances,

Especially about punks of the decadent era.

Ivan Fakov loved to wear foot wraps

Over any clothes, to make the punks laugh.

But if any of the punks ever crossed his way,

Vanya wouldn't be lost, and would introduce himself right away:

'Ivan Fakov'



Ivan Fakov lived his whole life in the black.

On the telly, he watched hardcore flicks, in fact.

Ivan Fakov loved to mess with anyone

Who didn't have a pleasant charisma to own.

Vanya wasn't ashamed of his last name,

Even at the clinic, Vanya would proclaim:

'Vanya Fakov'



Моё имя - Иван Факов...

Иван Факов любил к пиву раков,

Любил к ракам пиво, любил пожить красиво.

Иван Факов любил махать лопатой,

Работал за троих и ненавидел экскаватор.

И если с Ваней этим кто-нибудь встречался,

Он мило улыбался и сразу представлялся:

"Иван. Иван Факов"...



Иван Факов любил попеть романсы,

Особенно про панков эпохи декаданса.

Иван Факов любил носить портянки

Поверх любой одежды, чтоб радовались панки.

Но если кто из панков всё же попадался,

Ваня не терялся, и тут же представлялся:

"Иван Факов"



Иван Факов всю жизнь сидел на чёрном.

По ящику смотрел одно крутое порно.

Иван Факов любил поставить клизму

Тому, кто не имел приятную харизму.

Фамилии своей Ваня не стеснялся,

И даже в КВД Ваня представлялся:

"Ваня Факов"



The song "Ivan Fakov" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) is a satirical portrayal of a character with a suggestive last name. The lyrics mock stereotypes and absurd habits, creating an image that is both comical and ludicrous.

Ivan Fakov is a composite image of a simple Russian man with exaggerated traits. He enjoys life's simple pleasures: beer, crayfish, and physical labor. His dislike for the excavator emphasizes his adherence to traditional values and distrust of anything new.

The suggestive last name "Fakov" immediately sets the listener up for an ironic tone. Ivan is not ashamed of his last name; on the contrary, he proudly introduces himself with it in any situation, even the most inappropriate (for example, at the venereal disease clinic). This speaks to his naiveté, lack of complexes, and inability to grasp the humor of the situation.

Ivan's absurd habits, such as his love for romances about punks and wearing footcloths over his clothes, make his image even more grotesque. He strives to be "one of the guys" in any company, whether it's punks or workers, but his attempts to fit in seem clumsy and funny.

The song "Ivan Fakov" is a vivid example of satire on stereotypes about the Russian character. It ridicules ignorance, naiveté, love of drinking, and fighting. However, despite the irony, there is something touching and even likable about Ivan Fakov. He is not a villain but rather a victim of his own absurdity.

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