The meaning of the lyrics of the song "History Shrouded in Mystery" (Istoriya, Okutannaya Taynoy) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

He woke up in a dark dungeon.

He suddenly heard footsteps behind the door.

'I know for sure - this is just a bad dream!

Oh, my angel, help me wake up!'


There's a commotion in the house, his sister cries bitterly:

What to do, people? The brother can't be woken up!

A man stood in the doorway,

He said in an ominous voice:

'You've lost yourself, you've been sleeping too long, boy,

Forgetting that there are many tears in the world...'


'From now on, boy, you are a traitor to your soul!' -

Said the jailer and went into the darkness.

And the poor prisoner cried out with all his might,

But even the echo did not answer him...


Очнулся в темном подземелье он.

За дверью вдруг послышались шаги.

"Я знаю точно - это всего лишь страшный сон!

О, ангел мой, ты мне проснуться помоги!"


В доме суета, горько плачет сестра:

Как же, люди, быть? Брата не разбудить!

В дверном проеме человек стоял,

Зловещим голосом он произнес:

"Ты потерял себя, ты слишком долго, парень, спал,

Забыв о том, что в мире много слез..."


"Отныне, парень, ты душе своей - изменник!" -

Сказал тюремщик и ушел во тьму.

И закричал, что было мочи бедный пленник,

Но даже эхо не ответило ему...


The song "История, Окутанная Тайной" (A History Shrouded in Mystery) by the band "Король и Шут" (King and Jester) tells the story of a man imprisoned in a dark dungeon. The lyrics are filled with anxiety, despair, and hopelessness.

The opening lines describe the protagonist waking up in a dark dungeon. He clings to the hope that it's all just a nightmare, pleading for help. The phrase "О, ангел мой" (Oh, my angel) could be addressed either to a lover or to a higher power.

The chorus transports us to the protagonist's home, where his family grieves, unable to help him. The contrast between the despair in the dungeon and the sorrow of his loved ones amplifies the tragic nature of the situation.

The appearance of a mysterious figure in the doorway adds an ominous tone to the song. His words leave no doubt about the misfortune that has befallen the protagonist: "Ты потерял себя... Забыв о том, что в мире много слез..." (You have lost yourself... Forgetting that there are many tears in the world...). These words can be interpreted in different ways. Perhaps the protagonist has committed a wrongdoing and ended up in prison, or maybe he has lost himself metaphorically, sinking into despair or addiction.

The jailer accuses the protagonist of betraying his own soul, completely depriving him of hope. The prisoner's final cry, left unanswered, emphasizes his loneliness and hopelessness.

The song leaves a lingering feeling of despair and mystery. It remains unknown what led the protagonist to the dungeon and what awaits him next. It is this ambiguity and mystery that make the song so captivating.

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