The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Stone to the Head" (Kamnem po Golove) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

In a provincial town,

A holiday was on, with music all around,

But suddenly, in the joyous crowd,

A vagabond appeared, with a sinister shroud...

He walked as if alone,

Unnoticed by the throng.

And in a strange, peculiar way,

The local dogs watched him all along...


In a black top hat, in attire of old,

The traveler hastened to the town's bright fold.

He climbed the mountains, with a smile on his face,

But a rock tumbled down, from its mountainous embrace...

A dirty cloak he wore,

His black top hat crushed in his hand,

He stared down at his feet,

A mask he tightly held in his hand.

But someone shouted out: 'Hey there!

Why don't you cheer up a bit?

On such a joyful, bright day,

How can you be so full of grit?'


And the passerby raised his gaze,

And answered in a voice of bitter rage:

'I'd be glad to see you all in a daze,

And that is why I'm filled with rage.

I dreamt of joining your festive array,

Wearing my ginger monkey's mask,

If only that accursed stone didn't stray,

And landed on my head, such a tragic task!'


В провинциальном городке

Был праздник, музыка звучала,

Но вот в ликующей толпе

Возник зловещий лик бродяги...

Он шел, как будто бы один,

Толпа его не замечала.

И как-то странно на него

Смотрели местные собаки...


В черном цилиндре, в наряде старинном,

В город на праздник путник очень спешил.

По горам пробирался и улыбался,

Но камень сорвался в пропасть с горных вершин...

Был грязный плащ на нем одет,

Цилиндр черный смят в гармошку,

Себе под ноги он глядел,

А в кулаке сжимал он маску.

Но кто-то крикнул вдруг: "Привет!

Повеселился б ты немножко.

В такой веселый светлый день

Как можно быть таким несчастным?"


И проходимец поднял взгляд,

И злобным голосом ответил:

"Я всех замучить был бы рад

И от того я так невесел.

Я в маске рыжей обезьяны

На праздник к вам попасть мечтал,

Когда б не камень окаянный,

Что мне на голову упал!"


The song "Hit by a Stone" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a strange and sinister vagrant who arrives at a festival in a provincial town. The lyrics are full of dark humor and irony, characteristic of the band's work.

From the very beginning, the image of the vagrant causes anxiety: "sinister face", "strange look of dogs". He is like a foreign element in the festive atmosphere. The chorus reveals the reason for his condition: rushing to the festival, he suffered from a fallen stone that ruined his costume and mood.

However, behind the mask of bad luck lies the evil essence of the vagrant. He admits that he would like to spoil everyone's fun ("I would be glad to torture everyone"). His true nature, hidden under the monkey mask, turns out to be evil and cruel.

Thus, the song "Hit by a Stone" is not just an entertaining story about an unlucky vagrant. It raises the theme of hidden evil that can lurk behind the mask of everyday life, and how chance can affect fate and reveal the true nature of a person.

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