The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Code" (Koda) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

In darkness is plunged

The foggy Albion

A deathly silence,

The moon over the river.

But at midnight again

Suddenly began to sound

The sonata of sorrow

So incessantly.

And when the village sleeps,

A violin from the graveyard weeps.

The stone crypt is open

The old watchman is deaf and blind,

And everyone thinks he

Is so enthralled by the violin.

Before the dawn arrives,

The old man amuses himself.

He'll finish his play

Only by morning, the violinist will stray,

And the night will come again,

He'll start his refrain.

The winds will howl,

That melody now

Across the sinful earth

Will suddenly flow.

The stone crypt is open

The old watchman is deaf and blind,

And everyone thinks he

Is so enthralled by the violin.

And the watchman himself did not know

Who his neighbor was below.

There lived a musician,

He played the violin.

He had a rare talent,

That captivated everyone.

And on the stage, he always

Dreamed to die,

When he saw death's guise,

He didn't finish his coda, no lies.

Someone carved this coda on his tombstone's face

And the maestro year after year played those melodies with grace.

Во мрак погружён

Туманный Альбион

Мертвецкий покой,

Луна над рекой.

Но в полночь опять

Вдруг стала звучать

Соната тоски

Так непрерывно.

А когда посёлок спит,

Скрипка с кладбища звучит.

Открыт каменный склеп

Стар, глух сторож и слеп,

А все думают он

Скрипкой так увлечён.

До того как придёт заря,

Тешит старый себя.

Закончит игру

Скрипач лишь к утру,

А ночь подойдёт,

Снова начнёт.

Завоют ветра,

Мелодия та

По грешной земле

Вдруг пронесётся.

Открыт каменный склеп

Стар, глух сторож и слеп,

А все думают он

Скрипкой так увлечён.

И сам сторож не знал того,

Кто сосед у него.

Жил один музыкант,

Он на скрипке играл.

Был в нём редкий талант,

Что народ восхищал.

И на сцене всегда

Умереть он мечтал,

Когда смерть увидал,

Коду не доиграл.

Эту коду высек кто-то на его надгробной плите

И маэстро год от года всё играл мелодии те.

The lyrics of the song "Coda" by the band "Korol i Shut" paint a dark and mystical picture of a nocturnal Albion, shrouded in fog and silence. At the center of the narrative is a graveyard, from which every night a mournful violin melody is heard.

The inhabitants of the village believe that the sounds are made by the old watchman, absorbed in his instrument. However, the truth turns out to be much more sinister and tragic. In reality, the melody is played by the ghost of a musician buried in this cemetery.

During his lifetime, the musician dreamed of dying on stage, but fate decreed otherwise. He did not have time to finish playing his last coda - a musical fragment that completes the piece. This tragic story was reflected in the inscription on his tombstone, where the unfinished melody was engraved.

Every night the musician's spirit returns to his violin to finish the piece and find peace. His mournful melody, carried by the wind, becomes a symbol of an unfulfilled dream and a tragic fate.

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