The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Firebranded" (Kleymyonnyiy Ognyom) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Till the last breath

There'll be a thread of regrets

To live in a dying heart

About the bitter love.

I reached for her like a light,

I prayed for this woman,

But gone are the days

Those good old days.

My pain

Is getting stronger!

I am again

In the power of shadows,

The passion will

Live in me,

At the hour

On my deathbed

I will part with my curse on earth.

Something is whispering aspens

Where there are ruins now,

But the walls still remember

How they were burning.

And since then, unfortunately,

I became a ghostly shadow,

And the heart in love

Turns to stone inside.

My pain

Is getting stronger!

I am again

In the power of shadows,

The passion will

Live in me,

At the hour,

On my deathbed

I will part with my curse on earth.

And the captive feelings

Give rise to madness,

Shamelessly I approach

Closer and closer to my victim.

Hiding from the moon,

By the stone wall

I stand in the darkness,

Looking into her window.

Bringing my own death closer,

Torturing the mind with pain,

Seeing no grimaces in the mirror,

Knowing only the imprint of death,

Aggravating the torment, again

Mixing alcohol with blood in my veins,

The unfortunate lord his love

He cannot leave, forget.

The tender creature does not know,

That living a hard age,

He is always watching her

A man branded with fire.

До последних мгновений

Будет нить сожалений

Жить в гибнущем сердце

О горькой любви.

К ней тянулся, как к свету,

Молился на женщину эту,

Но канули в лету

Те добрые дни.

Боль моя

Всё сильней!

Вновь я

Во власти теней,

Будет страсть

Жить во мне,

В час, когда

На смертном одре

Расстанусь со своим проклятьем на земле.

Что-то шепчут осины

Там, где ныне руины,

Но стены всё помнят,

Как пылали они.

И с тех пор, к сожаленью,

Стал я призрачной тенью,

И влюблённое сердце

Каменеет внутри.

Боль моя

Всё сильней!

Вновь я

Во власти теней,

Будет страсть

Жить во мне,

В час когда,

На смертном одре

Расстанусь со своим проклятьем на земле.

И пленённые чувства

Порождают безумство,

К своей жертве бесстыже

Подбираюсь всё ближе.

Скрываясь от луны,

У каменной стены

Во мраке я стою,

В её окно смотрю.

Свой приближая смертный час,

Рассудок болью истязая,

Не видя в зеркале гримас,

Лишь отпечаток смерти зная,

Усугубляя муку, вновь

Спирт с кровью смешивая в жилах,

Несчастный лорд свою любовь

Оставить, позабыть не в силах.

Создание нежное не знает,

Что доживая тяжкий век,

За ней всё время наблюдает

Огнём клеймённый человек.

The song "Marked by Fire" by the band "Король и Шут" (King and Jester) tells a tragic love story of a lyrical hero who turned into a ghost after death.

The main theme of the song is unrequited love, which does not let the hero go even after death. He is "marked by fire" of this passion, doomed to wander forever in its captivity.

The song features several key images:

Fire: symbolizes passion burning the hero, and at the same time - a mark, a brand, a reminder of the tragedy.

Shadows: the world of the dead, where the hero found himself, a world of sorrow and hopelessness.

Ruins: perhaps a metaphor for destroyed love or a real place where the tragedy occurred.

Stone heart: a symbol of emotional constraint, the hero's inability to let go of the past.

The song is filled with suffering and despair. The hero realizes his doom but is unable to resist his feelings. He watches his beloved, remaining invisible and misunderstood.

The ending of the song leaves a depressing impression: the hero is doomed to eternal torment, and his beloved does not even suspect his presence.

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