The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Movie character" (Kinogeroy) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

As if I'd committed a sin,

Starring in a role not meant for me,

An unwanted success, a fatal mark

On my career's decree.

All hopes are melting away,

The path leads into the abyss;

I am not who everyone thinks I am -

I am not him, not in the least.

My character is dubbed the king of scandal,

His role, breeding hate in their eyes.

A villain's part, a bitter pill to swallow,

A truth my heart can't disguise.


I'm everywhere!

I'm everywhere!

City streets are held captive,

No escape from the posters for anyone -

My heart finds no peace.

What doesn't kill me -

Only makes me stronger!

If fate chooses to play with me -

I'll play along, no longer.

As if to spite me,

The image became a prison cell.

It's easier to be a villain despised,

Than to be myself, I can tell.


I'm everywhere!

I'm everywhere!

City streets are held captive,

No escape from the posters for anyone -

Humanity's obsession -

My heart finds no peace.

Don't watch the film -

I beg of you all!

But more and more eyes

Await the movie hall.

What has my fame done to me?

An outcast, captive to the terror of others!

Sold-out shows everywhere, but no "Bravo!" I hear,

My sinister face plastered on city posters.

Словно на душу взял грех,

Снявшись не в своей манере,

Роковым клеймом в карьере

Неугодный стал успех.

Все надежды тают,

В бездну путь ведет;

Я не тот, кем все меня считают -

Я отнюдь не тот.

Королем скандала

Назван мой герой.

В людях ненависть ко мне рождала

Негодяя роль.


Я всюду!

Я всюду!

Городские улицы в плену,

От афиш не скрыться никому -

Нет покоя сердцу моему.

Что не убивает -

Делает сильней!

Если же судьба со мной играет -

Я играю с ней.

Как назло, при этом,

Образ стал тюрьмой.

Проще негодяем быть отпетым,

Чем самим собой.


Я всюду!

Я всюду!

Городские улицы в плену,

От афиш не скрыться никому!

Помешательство людское -

Нет покоя сердцу моему.

Не смотрите фильм -

Заклинаю вас!

Но все больше глаз

Ждут киносеанс.

Что сделала со мною моя слава?!

Изгой, плененный ужасом других!

Аншлаги всюду, но не слышно - «Браво!»

Зловещ мой лик на стендах городских.

The song "Киногерой" (Movie Hero) by the band "Король и Шут" (King and Jester) tells a tragic story of an actor held captive by a single role.

The lyrical hero is an actor who has achieved a resounding, yet undesired, success by portraying a negative character. He is tormented by the fact that he is perceived solely as the villain ("As if I had taken a sin upon my soul, Having acted not in my own manner... I am not the one everyone thinks I am - I am not that at all"). Success in this role has become a "fatal mark" on his career, shattering all hopes for diverse roles and recognition of his true talent.

The hero realizes that he has become a prisoner of the image he created on screen ("As luck would have it, the image has become a prison"). He is constantly haunted by the image of the movie villain ("I am everywhere! City streets are captivated, There's no escaping the posters"). He feels like an outcast, a prisoner of other people's horror and misunderstanding ("What has my fame done to me?! An outcast, captive to the horror of others!"). Sold-out shows bring no joy, and cries of "Bravo!" are not heard because people only see the villain from the poster.

The tragedy of the situation is exacerbated by the hero's inability to change anything. He tries to shout, to warn the audience ("Don't watch the film - I beg you!"), but his pleas are drowned out by the general excitement. He is doomed to loneliness and misunderstanding, becoming a victim of his own success.

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