The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The King of Eternal Sleep" (Korol Vechnogo Sna) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

- Copy! It's Thunder,

Whispers Matvey in his sleep,

Connection established - it's getting warmer!

"Hold on!" - the radio howls.

Matvey groans into the receiver,

The cold lulls him to sleep.

A polar explorer in trouble, frozen in water:

- Guys, I'm in the Black Palace!

"My home is peace!" -

God of sleep, eternal darkness,

Seews a suit out of ice.

He sews tuxedos of death,

Frock coats of evil and boots.

Creates, but not for money,

The great tailor with a treacherous hand.

Everything is sewn with a black needle.

- Hello!

- Where is the light?

- You are asleep, dead Matvey,

And I am Morpheus!

Your dream - my will!

My world - all for you!

Accept it, this is fate!

The King of Eternal Sleep.

"I'm alive!" - the heart screams, -

"My body is silent!"

Matvey lies in a coma.

A polar explorer in trouble, frozen in water!

Tuxedos of death for you,

Frock coats of evil and boots.

Creates, but not for money,

The great tailor with a treacherous hand.

Everything is sewn with a black needle.

The King of Eternal Sleep...

The King of Eternal Sleep...

The King of Eternal Sleep...

The King of Eternal Sleep...

- Прием! Я - гром, -

Сквозь сон шепчет Матвей,

Связь есть - стало теплей!

«Держись!» - радио воет.

Матвей в рацию стонет,

От холода в сон его клонит.

Полярник в беде, замерзший в воде:

- Ребята, я в Черном Дворце!

«Дом мой - покой!» -

Бог сна, вечная тьма,

Костюм шьет изо льда.

Он шьет смокинги смерти,

Френч зла и сапоги.

Творит, но не за деньги,

Великий портной коварной рукой.

Шито все черной иглой.

- Привет!

- Где свет?

- Ты спишь, мертвый Матвей,

А я - Морфей!

Твой сон - воля моя!

Мой мир - все для тебя!

Прими, это судьба!

Король вечного сна.

«Я жив!» - сердце кричит, -

«Мое тело молчит!»

Матвей в коме лежит.

Полярник в беде, замерзший в воде!

Тебе смокинги смерти,

Френч зла и сапоги.

Творит, но не за деньги,

Великий портной коварной рукой.

Шито все черной иглой.

Король вечного сна...

Король вечного сна...

Король вечного сна...

Король вечного сна...

The lyrics of the song "King of Eternal Sleep" by the band "Korol i Shut" tell the tragic story of a polar explorer named Matvey, caught on the brink of life and death. Freezing in icy water, he loses consciousness and plunges into a world between life and death, ruled by the King of Eternal Sleep.

The opening lines of the song convey Matvey's desperate struggle for life. He tries to reach for help on the radio, but cold and exhaustion take over. The phrase "Guys, I'm in the Black Palace!" is a metaphor for approaching death, the boundaries between worlds are blurring.

The image of the King of Eternal Sleep is ominous and majestic. He appears as the "God of sleep, eternal darkness," dressed in clothes sewn from ice. The King is the "Great tailor with an insidious hand," creating sinister outfits: "tuxedos of death, frock coats of evil and boots." These images symbolize death and the afterlife.

The meeting of Matvey and the King of Eternal Sleep is the culmination of the song. Morpheus – the ancient Greek god of dreams, is another name for the King of Sleep, emphasizing his power over the subconscious. The phrase "Your sleep is my will!" leaves no doubt: Matvey is trapped, his fate in the hands of a powerful and ruthless ruler.

The final verses of the song are a cry from the soul of Matvey, fighting for life. His body is paralyzed by the cold, but his mind is still alive. The repeating words "King of eternal sleep..." sound like a funeral song, like a sentence from which there is no escape.

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