The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Sorcerer's Doll" (Kukla kolduna) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A dark, gloomy corridor,

I tiptoe, like a thief,

I make my way, barely breathing,

So as not to frighten

Those who have been asleep for a long time,

Those who care,

Whose room I secretly

Wish to look into,

To see...


How insomnia in the night hour

Changes, unsociable, your appearance,

Whose ideas are you a slave to?

Why do you hunt people?

A cross on my chest,

Look at it,

What in you is it able to

Change dramatically,

I've read many books,

I've seen many tricks,

Don't try to hide your secret from me!

I saw it!


It's a pity that you couldn't believe me then,

That your new friend is not like everyone else!

You stayed with him,

Not knowing anything about him...

That he is dangerous for everyone, you don't care,

And you got caught!


To a real sorcerer,

He has ruined many like you!

Like a puppet, in the night hour,

Now he can control you!

Everything happens like in a bad dream.

And it's dangerous for me to be here!

Темный, мрачный коридор,

Я на цыпочках, как вор,

Пробираюсь, чуть дыша,

Чтобы не спугнуть

Тех, кто спит уже давно,

Тех, кому не все равно,

В чью я комнату тайком

Желаю заглянуть,

Чтобы увидеть...


Как бессонница в час ночной

Меняет, нелюдимая, облик твой,

Чьих невольница ты идей?

Зачем тебе охотиться на людей?

Крестик на моей груди,

На него ты погляди

Что в тебе способен он

Резко изменить

Много книжек я читал,

Много фокусов видал

Свою тайну от меня не пытайся скрыть!

Я это видел!


Очень жаль, что ты тогда мне поверить не смогла,

В то, что новый твой приятель не такой как все!

Ты осталась с ним вдвоем,

Не зная ничего о нем...

Что для всех опасен он, наплевать тебе

И ты попала!


К настоящему колдуну,

Он загубил таких как ты, не одну!

Словно куклой, в час ночной

Теперь он может управлять тобой!

Все происходит как в страшном сне.

И находиться здесь опасно мне!

The lyrics of the song "The Sorcerer's Doll" by the band "Korol i Shut" describe a frightening situation faced by the lyrical hero. He sneaks down a dark corridor, as if afraid to disturb some evil forces. The hero knows the secret hidden within these walls and seeks to see it with his own eyes.

The chorus reveals the essence of what is happening: a certain girl has fallen under the influence of an evil sorcerer. Her appearance changes at night, she becomes unsociable and obsessed. The hero understands that the girl has become a pawn in someone else's game, a tool for hunting people.

The second verse shows that the hero tried to warn the girl about the danger. He wears a cross as a talisman against evil and possesses knowledge of dark forces. He saw the true nature of the girl's "new friend," but she did not believe him.

In the third verse, the situation reaches its climax. The hero realizes with horror that the girl has fallen into the trap of a real sorcerer who controls her like a puppet. He realizes that he himself is in danger by being near.

The image of a doll emphasizes the girl's lack of will, her inability to resist the evil will of the sorcerer. The song is filled with anxiety, fear, and a sense of hopelessness. The lyrical hero is powerless against the dark forces that have enslaved someone close to him.

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