The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Leshy Got Offended" (Leschiy Obidelsya) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

In the night forest, a bonfire burned bright,

And by the fire sat a weary old man in the night.

He stroked his mustache, puffed his pipe with care,

Muttering softly to himself, lost in thought somewhere.

Suddenly, a scream pierced the quiet air,

Grabbing his staff, the old man rushed to where.

Writhing in pain, a young man lay in the brush,

Looking around, trembling in fear, a nervous hush.


"Grandfather, dear, please help me, I pray!

My leg is trapped in this cruel snare's sway!"

But why did the old man frown in response so deep?

His brows furrowed, a stern expression to keep.

The old man puffed his pipe and spoke with might,

"You've caused me a grievous offense, young man, tonight.

How dare you enter my forest in the dark of night?

To forget the fearsome Leshy, and show such a fright?"


"Doom awaits you now,

Since you've crossed paths with me!

For no beast lives to tell the tale, you see,

Once caught in my trap, eternally!"

The young man leaped up and ran with all his might,

Screaming wildly, cursing the darkness of the night.

He stumbled and fell, tore his clothes in despair,

Running with the trap, all the way to his lair!

В ночном лесу костер горел,

А у костра усталый дедушка сидел.

Трогал усы, трубку курил,

О чем-то тихо сам с собою говорил.

И в тот же миг раздался крик,

Схватив дубину, поспешил на зов старик.

От боли корчась, парень в кустах лежал,

И озирался и от страха весь дрожал.


"Дедушка, милый, спаси меня!

В капкан угодила нога моя!"

Но почему в ответ, брови нахмурил дед?

Брови сурово нахмурил дед!

Старик курил и говорил:

"Ты мне серьезную обиду причинил.

Как смел ты этой ночью в мой лес ходить?

О страшном лешем так бесстыдно позабыть?!"


"Погибель тебя ждет,

Коль ты со мною повстречался!

Ведь больше не живет, тот зверь,

Что в мой капкан попался!"

Парень вскочил и помчался прочь,

Дико кричал, проклиная ночь.

Падал одежду рвал, снова вставал бежал.

Вместе с капканом, аж до самого дома!

The song "Leshy Got Offended" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a young man's encounter with a Leshy, a guardian spirit of the forest in Slavic mythology. The lyrics are full of mystique and ambiguity, leaving room for interpretation.

The song opens with a peaceful scene of an old man smoking a pipe by the campfire. He appears to be a regular man, tired after a long day. However, the cry for help and the appearance of a frightened young man caught in a trap change the picture. The old man's reaction to the pleas for help is unexpectedly harsh. He is in no hurry to help; moreover, he accuses the young man of disrespecting the forest and its master – the Leshy.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the contrast between the despair of the young man and the coldness of the old man. It is unclear why the old man is so angry. Perhaps the trap was set for an animal important to the Leshy, or maybe the very intrusion into the forest at night is perceived as an insult.

The culmination is the old man's confession: "For the beast that got caught in my trap is no more!". This phrase turns the perception upside down. It becomes obvious that we are facing not just an old man, but the Leshy himself, who has taken on a human form. He is not just angry; he is taking revenge for the disturbed peace and the dead animal.

The ending of the song leaves a sense of anxiety. The young man escapes, but the question remains: did the Leshy forgive him, or will this encounter have consequences in the future? The image of the young man running away with the trap on his leg emphasizes the power of fear and reminds us of the power of nature, which should not be underestimated.

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