The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Puppet Theatre" (Kukolnyiy Teatr) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The dwarf invited everyone to the puppet show:

'Whoever comes tonight,

Will die of laughter!

You will have a very, very good time,

Don't spare your money, rich man!

An evening of laughter and passion!'

A plush penguin ran onto the stage,

And in a thin voice he shouted loudly:

'You're all bastards sitting here now!

For some reason I'm angry at all of you

Just like that!'


This is the first time this has happened in the theater,

This is the first time this has happened in the theater today!

All the puppets are alive today,

All the puppets are alive today, today!

The wolf came on stage and sang a song

About how he had eaten half the village recently.

And then a girl in her underwear came out...

And was torn apart in front of everyone.


This is the first time this has happened in the theater,

This is the first time this has happened in the theater today!

All the puppets are alive today,

All the puppets are alive today, today!

And then a cool cowboy ran onto the stage -

Shot half the audience and then killed himself.

A terrible hare shouted loudly: 'Fire!'

And, throwing a torch into the hall, ran off the stage.


This is the first time this has happened in the theater,

This is the first time this has happened in the theater today!

All the puppets are alive today,

All the puppets are alive today, today!

В кукольный театр

Всех карлик приглашал:

"Кто вечером придет,

Тот со смеху умрет!

Будет вам очень, очень хорошо,

Деньги не жалей, богатей!

Вечер смеха и страстей!"

Выбежал на сцену плюшевый пингвин,

И тонким голоском он громко завопил:

"Гады все, кто здесь сейчас сидит!

На всех я вас зачем-то

Просто так сердит!"


В театре такое впервые,

В театре такое сегодня впервые!

Все куклы сегодня живые,

Все куклы сегодня, сегодня живые!

Волк на сцену вышел, песенку запел

Про то, как он недавно пол-деревни съел.

А следом вышла девушка в одних трусах...

И на части разорвалась у всех на глазах.


В театре такое впервые,

В театре такое сегодня впервые!

Все куклы сегодня живые,

Все куклы сегодня, сегодня живые!

А вот на сцену выбежал крутой ковбой -

Пол-зала расстрелял, потом покончил с собой.

Ужасный заяц громко прокричал: "Пожар!"

И, бросив факел в зал, со сцены убежал.


В театре такое впервые,

В театре такое сегодня впервые!

Все куклы сегодня живые,

Все куклы сегодня, сегодня живые!

The song "Puppet Theatre" by the band "Korol i Shut" ("The King and the Jester") is a sinister satire on the entertainment industry and the nature of the spectator. Beneath the harmless guise of a puppet show lurks something frightening and cruel, reflecting the dark side of society.

The dwarf's invitation, beckoning people to the performance, promises laughter to the point of death and "an evening of passion." Already here, an ambiguity is traced, hinting at something more than just a comedic performance.

The puppets, coming to life, embody the vices and violence that reign in the real world:

The Penguin, a symbol of innocence, showers the audience with curses, revealing hypocrisy and malice hidden behind a cute appearance.

The Wolf, the embodiment of predation, boasts of its bloody feast, personifying violence and impunity.

The Girl in panties, a symbol of sexual objectification, becomes a victim of cruelty, demonstrating humiliation and exploitation.

The Cowboy, personifying violence and recklessness, stages a massacre and then commits suicide, reflecting despair and self-destruction.

The Hare, a traditional symbol of cowardice, starts a fire, sowing chaos and destruction.

The chorus "This is the first time in the theater, all the puppets are alive today!" emphasizes the shock and horror of the audience, faced with the fact that the usual entertainment has turned into a nightmare. The song leaves behind an oppressive feeling of anxiety and a sense of the fragility of the familiar world, behind the facade of which lies an abyss of violence and madness.

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