The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Blacksmith" (Kuznec) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A rumor rushed through the village,

That the blacksmith, old and gray,

Had his spirit sent from this world,

By a sledgehammer blow one day.

Hard it was to recognize him,

For his head was crushed and gone!

Cleaning out his sooty furnace,

The blacksmith saw behind,

Armor, helmet, sword, and breastplate,

Of a precious, gleaming kind.

He hadn’t dreamed of such a treasure,

And his apprentice stood nearby.

“None must know of this discovery,”

The old blacksmith did decree.

So that no one might find out,

The apprentice, he betrayed,

Strangled him and stuffed his body

In the armor he had made.

To the Turks, the knight was bartered,

Blacksmith counted gold, content.

But the apprentice woke, and found

Himself within the Sultan’s hall.

In that very moment, he recalled

The blacksmith, and his awful fall.

He could not remove the sturdy plates,

But revenge burned in his heart,

And escape from that strange palace,

Only a miracle could impart.

Hardly anyone could imagine

His arduous journey back.

A rumor rushed through the village,

That the blacksmith, old and gray,

Had his spirit sent from this world,

By a sledgehammer blow one day.

По селу промчался слух,

Будто деду-кузнецу

Ночью выпустили дух,

Дав кувалдой по лицу.

Трудно узнать было его.

От головы не осталось ничего!

Разбирая свою печь,

Кузнец за нею увидал

Панцирь, латы, шлем и меч,

Драгоценным был металл.

Он о таком не думал - не гадал,

А его ученик рядышком стоял.

Знать о находке моей

Не должен никто из людей.

Чтобы людям ничего

Ученик не рассказал,

Задушил кузнец его

И в доспехи заковал.

Туркам кузнец рыцаря продал,

Был очень рад, денежки считал.

Но очнулся ученик

У султана во дворце

Вспомнил парень в тот же миг

О мерзавце кузнеце.

Латы прочные не снять

Чувство мести сердце жгло

Из дворца ему бежать

Только чудо помогло

Вряд ли бы кто мог

Представить хоть чуть-чуть,

Как был непрост

Его обратный путь.

По селу промчался слух,

Будто деду-кузнецу

Ночью выпустили дух,

Дав кувалдой по лицу.

The song "The Blacksmith" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a story of greed, betrayal, and revenge, disguised as a fairytale.

The song opens with a blacksmith who discovers a treasure in his furnace - armor made of precious metal. Instead of joy, this discovery awakens fear and greed in his heart. He decides to keep the treasure a secret, even from his apprentice who witnesses the find. Fearing exposure, the blacksmith commits a terrible crime: he kills his apprentice and encases his body in the discovered armor.

The blacksmith then sells the "knight" to the Turks, reveling in his own ingenuity. However, the story takes an unexpected turn: the apprentice, trapped within the armor, miraculously comes back to life in the Sultan's palace. His memory returns, and he realizes he has become a victim of his own teacher.

Consumed by the thirst for revenge, he plots his escape. Despite the seemingly hopeless situation (being trapped within the armor), the apprentice finds a way to return home. The final lines of the song hint that revenge has been served - a rumor spreads through the village about the death of the blacksmith, who died from a blow with a sledgehammer.

Thus, "The Blacksmith" is a story about how greed and cruelty turn against those who follow them. The song vividly demonstrates that even death cannot stop the thirst for revenge and that evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

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