The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Love and Propeller" (Lyubov i Propeller) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

He was sad, he loved her so,

But all his pleas were met with "no."

In grief, a propeller he then made,

How it worked, he couldn't have said.

One day, he walked into a meadow,

And saw her on a cliff, gazing at the shadow.

Sorrow filled the young man's heart,

And he ran and jumped, tearing them apart.


Down from the cliff the young man flew,

The wind of his flight howled anew,

A witness to his tragic doom.

She cried his name, filled with despair,

Blamed herself, pulling at her hair:

"Oh, how foolish I have been!

Why did I ever doubt within?"


And at that moment, he appeared,

Smiling, above the cliff, he hovered, cheered:

"My dear, surprise!" he wanted to proclaim,

But his propeller sputtered, halting his game...


Он печален был, он ее любил,

Но на все ему отказ, что б он не попросил.

С горя он тогда пропеллер смастерил,

Как получилось - сам не понял!

Как-то вышел он на луг и увидел вдруг:

На краю утеса она молча смотрит вдаль.

Охватила тут юношу печаль,

И, разбежавшись, вниз он прыгнул...


И с утеса вниз парень полетел,

И завыл залетный ветер,

Гибели его свидетель.

Плакала она и его звала,

Укоряла и бранила девушка себя:

"Ах, какая я бестолковая!

Ну почему в нем сомневалась?!"


И в тот самый миг юноша возник,

И с улыбкой над утесом в воздухе повис.

И воскликнул он: "Милая, сюрприз!".

Но вдруг заглох его пропеллер...


The song "Love and the Propeller" by the band "Korol i Shut" (The King and the Jester) is a tragicomic tale of unrequited love, despair, and unexpected consequences.

The protagonist, heartbroken from his beloved's rejection, creates a propeller in a fit of desperation. The line "How it happened, he didn't understand himself!" emphasizes the spontaneity and absurdity of his act, implying that he wasn't fully aware of the consequences of his actions.

The encounter on the edge of the cliff becomes the climax of the song. The sight of the girl "silently looking into the distance" awakens even greater sadness in the protagonist, pushing him to take the fatal step. He jumps off the cliff, hoping that the propeller he created will help him fly.

The chorus of the song, describing the hero's flight, is filled with tragedy. The "wailing headwind" becomes a harbinger of imminent doom. The image of the wind as a "witness" to the tragedy enhances the feeling of hopelessness.

The girl's reaction to what is happening is full of drama. Her crying, reproaches, and remorse ("Oh, how foolish I am! Why did I doubt him?!") show that she still had feelings for the hero, but realized them too late.

The sudden appearance of the young man in the air, smiling ("Darling, surprise!"), turns tragedy into farce. At this moment, it seems that the hero has gained a chance for happiness. However, hope is dashed in an instant – the propeller stalls. The final repetition of the chorus sounds like a sentence, leaving the listener in a depressing anticipation of the inevitable end.

"Love and the Propeller" is a metaphor for the unpredictability of life, where moments of despair are replaced by euphoria, and the hope for happiness can be cut short at the most inopportune moment.

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