The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Madame Georgette" (Madam Jorjett) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The finale of her dance will be remembered by all,

It brought us many unnecessary problems.

She lost her best admirers -

Arrested after the fifth bottle of wine.


How could you do this, madam -

Betray your loyal comrades to the executioners?!

The minuet is beautiful!

Your silhouette is treacherously beautiful, Madame Georgette!

What worries you now, my friend?

Could it be that you remembered us again?

You were recruited, and you lost

Your friends. Your life is like a sad romance.

And we will never see you again,

Tomorrow is our last outing.

A deep pit awaits in the courtyard.

They will line everyone up against the wall.

The minuet is beautiful!

Your silhouette is treacherously beautiful, Madame Georgette!


They led three officers to be shot,

And with them, ours - under the revolver!

The shot was sorrowful, the aim did not waver,

But, dying, one wheezed:

"The minuet is beautiful!

Your silhouette is treacherously beautiful, Madame Georgette!"

Финал ее танца запомнится всем,

Принесший нам много ненужных проблем.

Поклонников лучших лишилась она -

Арест после пятой бутылки вина.


Как вы могли поступить так, мадам -

Товарищей верных продать палачам?!

Прекрасен менуэт!

Предательски красив ваш силуэт, мадам Жоржет!

Что вас тревожит, подруга, сейчас?

Неужто вы вспомнили снова о нас?

Вас завербовали, и вы потеряли

Друзей. Ваша жизнь, словно грустный романс.

И никогда не увидим мы вас,

Завтра последний выход у нас.

Яма глубокая ждет во дворе.

До одного всех поставят к стене.

Прекрасен менуэт!

Предательски красив ваш силуэт, мадам Жоржет!


Трех офицеров вели на расстрел,

С ними и наших - под револьвер!

Выстрел печальный, не дрогнул прицел,

Но, умирая, один прохрипел:

«Прекрасен менуэт!

Предательски красив ваш силуэт, мадам Жоржет!»

The song "Madame Georgette" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a tragic story of betrayal, where a femme fatale, Madame Georgette, becomes the cause of death for a group of revolutionaries.

The lyrics are full of irony and bitterness. Georgette's final dance likely symbolizes her act of betrayal, leading to the arrest and execution of her comrades. The phrase "Bringing us many unnecessary problems" hints at the catastrophic consequences of her actions.

The chorus of the song sounds like an accusation directed at Georgette. The lyrical hero cannot forgive her betrayal and wonders how she could "sell" her comrades to the executioners.

Despite the tragic situation, the beauty of Georgette and her dance ("The minuet is beautiful!", "Your silhouette is treacherously beautiful, Madame Georgette!") is emphasized throughout the song. This creates a contrast between her outward attractiveness and inner depravity.

The lyrical hero addresses Georgette, recalling their former friendship and expressing his pain from her choice. He understands that their paths have diverged forever, and Georgette has doomed them to death ("Tomorrow is our last way out").

The final execution scene emphasizes the tragedy and hopelessness of the situation. Even before his death, one of the condemned cannot forget Georgette's beauty and her treacherous dance.

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