The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Grizzled Wolf" (Materyiy Volk) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

- My name is well-known!

And everywhere

People are doomed to fear me.

It makes me want to laugh!

'A very scary guy' -

That's their stereotype.


I am a seasoned old wolf!

I know a thing or two about hunting!

And with my rifle at the ready

I go out into my native forest.

For me in the forest forever

Beast is equal to man.

- Of course, you are right -

I am more dangerous than a wolf!

There is no stopping me,

I have a double-barreled shotgun.

Without a doubt, you

Will be noticed by my eye!


I am a seasoned old wolf!

I know a thing or two about hunting!

And with my rifle at the ready

I go out into my native forest.

For me in the forest forever

Beast is equal to man.

Brave people have long since


It must be clear to you -

That I will give anyone a run for their money!

For my head they give

A lot of coins.

I am happy to accept the challenge

In the name of new victories!

I have no interest

In wiping you off the face of the earth.

But pleas, to be honest,

Are not interesting to listen to.

Because I am a hunter

To you - not a judge!


I am a seasoned old wolf!

I know a thing or two about hunting!

And with my rifle at the ready

I go out into my native forest.

For me in the forest forever

Beast is equal to man.

- Моё имя известно!

И меня повсеместно

Обречённо боятся.

Меня тянет смеяться!

"Очень страшный тип" -

Их стереотип.


Я матёрый старый волк!

Я в охоте знаю толк!

И с ружьём наперевес

Выхожу в родной свой лес.

Для меня в лесу вовек

Зверю равен человек.

- Безусловно, вы правы -

Я опаснее волка!

На меня нет управы,

У меня есть двустволка.

Без сомненья, вас

Мой заметит глаз!


Я матёрый старый волк!

Я в охоте знаю толк!

И с ружьём наперевес

Выхожу в родной свой лес.

Для меня в лесу вовек

Зверю равен человек.

Храбрых людей давно

Не сыщешь ни одного.

Должно быть, понятно вам -

Что фору любому дам!

За мою голову дать

Готовы много монет.

Я счастлив вызов принять

Во имя новых побед!

Интереса мне нету

Выживать вас со света.

Но мольбы, если честно,

Слушать не интересно.

Ведь охотник я

Вам - а не судья!


Я матёрый старый волк!

Я в охоте знаю толк!

И с ружьём наперевес

Выхожу в родной свой лес.

Для меня в лесу вовек

Зверю равен человек.

The song "Seasoned Wolf" by the band "Korol i Shut" is told from the perspective of a seasoned and fearless hunter, for whom the forest is a native element, and hunting is not just entertainment, but a way of life. Several key semantic layers can be distinguished in the text:

1. The image of the hunter as a "seasoned wolf". Already in the title and chorus of the song, a parallel is drawn between the lyrical hero and a predator. He, like a wolf, is experienced, cunning, and dangerous. The hero is aware of his frightening image in the eyes of others ("My name is known... обречённо боятся"), but it rather amuses him ("I want to laugh!").

2. Attitude to hunting and nature. For the lyrical hero, the forest is not just a hunting ground, but a whole world where he feels like a master. He respects the laws of nature and puts the beast and man on the same level ("For me in the forest forever, the beast is equal to man"), thereby emphasizing the equality of all participants in the hunting ritual.

3. The motive of strength and fearlessness. The hunter is proud of his strength, agility and accuracy. He is not afraid of dangers and is ready to fight any opponent ("There have been no brave people for a long time... I will give odds to anyone!"). The reward placed on his head only fuels his excitement and thirst for new victories.

4. The moral aspect of hunting. Despite all his bloodthirstiness, the hero does not enjoy killing for the sake of killing. He does not seek to exterminate all animals ("I have no interest in surviving you from the world"). Hunting for him is a fair confrontation where everyone has a chance to win or lose.

5. Philosophical overtones. The song can also be seen as having a deeper meaning. The hunter, comparing himself to a wolf, raises the question of the place of man in nature, of his instincts and moral principles. He seems to be on the verge between the world of people and the world of animals, embodying both cruelty and nobility.

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