The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Mask" (Maska) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Mirrors know

What my sorrow is;

I don't look at them

Ever again.

A tight mask -

My salvation,

Both day and night

I am its eternal slave.

And what's underneath - nobody knows!


Everything will happen as always!

Wishing you no harm,

I will entertain you again.

You want to see

What's under the mask, but alas,

I don't want to lose you like that!

Many women I have

Conquered with my gaze,

And the same role

I always played.

Their curiosity

Poisoned my soul,

Like a drop of venom

In my favorite wine.

I can only respect you once!


Everything will happen as always!

Wishing you no harm,

I will entertain you again.

You want to see

What's under the mask, but alas,

I don't want to lose you like that!

One fact is to blame for everything -

A sinister Devil's contract

Both you and I are out of luck:

EVIL dwells under the mask!

Знают зеркала,

В чём моя беда;

Не смотрю я в них

Больше никогда.

Тугая маска -

Спасение моё,

И днём и ночью

Я вечный раб её.

А что под ней - никто не знает!


Всё случится как всегда!

Не желая вам вреда,

Буду Вас я развлекать опять.

Посмотреть хотите вы,

Что под маской, но, увы,

Мне Вас так не хочется терять!

Многих женщин я

Взглядом покорял,

И всю ту же роль

Я всегда играл.

Их любопытство

Травило душу мне,

Как капля яда

В излюбленном вине.

Уважить Вас смогу лишь раз!


Всё случится как всегда!

Не желая вам вреда,

Буду Вас я развлекать опять.

Посмотреть хотите вы,

Что под маской, но, увы,

Мне Вас так не хочется терять!

Всему виной один лишь факт -

Зловещий Дьявольский контракт

И мне и Вам не повезло:

Под маской обитает ЗЛО!

The song "Mask" by the band "Korol i Shut" ("The King and the Jester") tells the story of a lyrical hero who hides his true nature behind a mask. The lyrics are filled with metaphors and symbolism, creating an atmosphere of mystery and drama.

From the very first lines, the hero admits that mirrors, traditionally symbolizing self-knowledge and honesty, have become a source of pain for him. He avoids looking at them because they reflect something he wants to hide – his "trouble".

The mask becomes for him not just a stage image, but a "salvation", a wall separating his true self from the outside world. He confesses his slavish dependence on this mask, which dictates the rules of behavior and hides his true face.

The chorus of the song is the hero's address to the audience. He assures them of his good intentions ("not wishing you any harm"), promises to entertain, to play the role that is expected of him. But at the same time, he categorically refuses to remove the mask, explaining this by the unwillingness to lose the audience.

Further, the hero talks about his experience of seducing women, whom he conquered by playing a role hidden under a mask. Their curiosity, the desire to know what is hidden behind this mask, causes him suffering, comparable to the effect of poison.

The final part of the song reveals the reason why the hero is forced to hide his face. This is a "sinister devilish contract" he made in the past. He admits that this deal doomed both him and the audience, since true evil lurks under the mask.

The song leaves a heavy impression. The hero becomes a hostage to his own past, forced to play a role and hide his true nature. The inability to free himself from this burden and the fear of the consequences of removing the mask make him an eternal prisoner.

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