The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Master invites you to visit." (Master priglaschaet v gosti) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

In the evening, the master invited his faithful servant to the table

And asked him -

"How many times, greeting my guests,

Have you never shown anyone to the door?

And now you will understand what I have kept secret."


"On those days when I am in the mood,

Sitting by the fire, I sort through skulls."

The devoted servant smiled then:

"I have always loved my hard work!

I sit at night, watching the knife,

Carving figurines from bones,

I am friends with the craft, I adore the guests!"


"On those days when I am in the mood,

Sitting by the fire, I sort through skulls."

All those who want to stretch their bones a little -

You are welcome tonight - the master invites you to visit!

Вечером к столу мастер пригласил

Верного слугу и его спросил -

"Сколько раз ты, встречая моих гостей,

никого никогда за дверь не провожал?

И ты поймёшь теперь, что я в тайне держал.


В те дни, когда я в настроении бываю,

Сидя у огня, черепа перебираю".

Преданный слуга улыбнулся тут:

"Я любил всегда свой нелёгкий труд!

По ночам сижу, за ножом слежу,

Фигурки вырезаю из костей,

С ремеслом дружу, обожаю гостей!"


В те дни, когда я в настроении бываю,

Сидя у огня, черепа перебираю".

Все те, кто не прочь поразмять немного кости -

Вас ждут в эту ночь - мастер приглашает в гости!

The song "The Master Invites You to Visit" by Korol i Shut tells the story of a sinister master and his loyal servant, united by a grim craft. The lyrics are full of ominous hints and dark humor, creating an atmosphere of mystery and horror.

The first verse introduces us to the master, inviting his servant to the table. The master's veiled question about how many times the servant "never saw anyone off" implies that guests do not leave the house alive. The phrase "you will understand what I have kept secret" enhances the intrigue, hinting at some terrible truth.

The chorus reveals the veil of secrecy. The master, "sitting by the fire, sorting through skulls," points to his fascination with necromancy or, at least, collecting eerie artifacts.

The second verse introduces the servant, who shares his master's interests. He "loves his hard work", implying the murder of guests, and confesses to making figurines out of bones. The image of the servant complements the overall atmosphere of horror and madness.

The final lines of the song are an invitation for anyone wishing to "stretch their bones" to visit the workshop. The phrase, a euphemism for violent death, is addressed to the listener, blurring the lines between reality and the world of the song, drawing you into a dark game.

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