The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Observer" (Nablyudatel) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

By the quiet pond, she loved to stroll,

From the oak each day, I watched her soul.

I felt within my heart, for her, something grow,

And with each passing day, it strengthened, this I know.

And nothing in the world, could be more divine,

Than to cherish her, to love, and to pine.

To hide behind the leaves, her songs to softly hear,

And sometimes, cautiously, to softly sing along, my dear.


- Oh, what a funny and naive young man.

He thinks I don't notice him, but I have a plan.

- How sweet she is...

- He loves me truly, I know.

- She's driving me crazy...

- Why does he hide, what for, I must know?

- Birds are flying in the sky so high,

A fallen green leaf drifts by,

And I still don't understand, to whom she sings by the oak, day by day.

And closer to the tree, she did approach,

From meadow flowers, she wove a crown, a brooch.

With her finger, on the water, letters she'd trace,

But not a word, alas, could I embrace.

But suddenly, a crack, my branch did break,

And with it, I plunged into the pond, a mistake.

Nearly drowned, a lifetime's worth of water I did drink,

I barely swam ashore, sat on a stone, and sank.


But from my back, she plucked a water lily white,

Placed it upon her hair, a luxurious sight.

And on her face, I saw a smile so sweet and dear,

What can I say, I couldn't help but smile, my dear.


У тихого пруда она гулять любила,

За нею наблюдал я с дуба каждый день.

Я чувствовал, что к ней в моем сердце что-то было,

И это с каждым днем становилось все сильней.

И ничего на свете не было чудесней,

Как радоваться ей, любить и тосковать.

И прячась за листвой тихо слушать ее песни,

И иногда чуть-чуть осторожно подпевать.


- Ах, какой смешной и наивный парень.

Думает, что не замечаю я его.

- Как она мила...

- Ведь любит точно, знаю.

- С ума меня свела...

- Зачем он прячется, для чего?

- Птицы в небесах летают,

Опавший лист зеленый по воде плывет,

А я все не понимаю, о ком она у дуба каждый день поет.

И к дереву она все ближе подходила,

Из луговых цветов плела себе венок.

И пальцем на воде она буквы выводила,

Ни слова разобрать к сожаленью я не мог.

Но вдруг раздался хруст, и сук мой надломился,

И вместе с ним я в пруд свалился в тот же миг.

Едва не утонул, на всю жизнь воды напился.

Я выплыл кое-как, сел на камень и поник.


Но со спины моей сняла она кувшинку,

Приставила к своим роскошным волосам

И на лице увидел я милую улыбку,

Чего там говорить, улыбнулся я и сам.


The song "The Watcher" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a story of unrequited love, narrated from two different perspectives.

The main character is a secret admirer, observing a girl from his hiding place in an oak tree. He is smitten with her, his feelings growing stronger every day. He finds joy in simply being near, hearing her voice, seeing her. He is shy and naive, afraid to reveal his feelings, preferring to remain unnoticed.

The girl, the object of his affection, appears in the song as a carefree and dreamy person. She walks by the pond, weaves wreaths, writes something on the water. It's unclear if she is aware of the watcher's feelings.

The chorus of the song is a dialogue between two voices, most likely belonging to other characters, perhaps the girl's friends. They see the situation from the outside and comment on what's happening, poking fun at the clumsy lover, noting his naivety and awkward attempts to remain invisible.

The climax of the song is the fall of the hero from the oak tree. This comical and absurd incident, which almost ended in tragedy, turns the situation around. The girl notices him, shows compassion by adorning her hair with a water lily he retrieved from the water. The heroine's final smile leaves hope for a possible development of their relationship.

Thus, the song "The Watcher" is a story about love, shyness, chance encounters and hope, told with humor and a touch of sadness.

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