The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Necromancer" (Nekromant) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

- Why have I deserved the fate of a wretched outcast?!

To torment myself with the question: WHO AM I?!!

Thoughts that I am a demon often helped me survive.

People everywhere called me that anyway.


You, ominous moon,

Are in love with my torment!

Having taken away my peace of mind,

What are you doing to me?

Maybe you will give me the answer,

Why has the whole wide world

Turned against me?

What was I born for?

- I remember how a crowd of peasants wanted to kill me,

After that, the inquisitors mutilated my body!

Everyone rose up against the young necromancer,

Making me a martyr of my talent.

Half human - half dead I am!

I will remain so forever,

I am like a wolf among sheep!

My life is full of suffering,

But the choice was made by fate

No! I can't change it,

A war with myself!!!


- People are my enemies, and yet they were once brothers!

I have placed my curse upon the whole neighborhood -

The crops are dying, and there is plague and famine all around,

And the passing winds bring a terrible cold!


-Чем я заслужил судьбу несчастного изгоя?!

Постоянно доставать себя вопросом: КТО Я?!!

Мысли, что я демон, часто выжить помогали.

Люди же повсюду так меня и называли.


Ты, зловещая луна,

В мои муки влюблена!

Отобрав души покой,

Что ты делаешь со мной?

Может, ты мне дашь ответ,

Почему весь белый свет

Обозлился на меня?

Для чего родился я?

-Помню, как толпа крестьян убить меня хотела,

После инквизиторы калечили мне тело!

Все восстало против молодого некроманта,

Сделав меня мучеником моего таланта.

На половину человек - на половину я мертвец!

Таким останусь я навек,

Я будто волк среди овец!

Полна страданий жизнь моя,

Но выбор сделанный судьбой

Нет! Изменить не в силах я,

Война с самим собой!!!


-Люди мне враги, а ведь когда-то были братья!

Я на всю округу наложил свое проклятье -

Гибнут урожаи, а вокруг чума и голод,

И ветра залетные приносят жуткий холод!


The lyrics of the song "Necromancer" by the band "Korol i Shut" tell the tragic story of a man rejected by society for his abilities. The lyrical hero is a necromancer whose skills evoke fear and hatred in those around him.

Loneliness and Misunderstanding:

From the first lines, the hero wonders about his fate ("Why have I earned the fate of a miserable outcast?"). He is lonely and misunderstood, tormented by the question of his own identity ("Constantly tormenting myself with the question: WHO AM I? !!"). Thoughts of a demonic nature, on the one hand, frighten him, and on the other, become an excuse for his abilities in the eyes of others.

A Past Filled with Pain:

The hero's memories are full of pain and suffering. He remembers the attempt of a mob of peasants to kill him, and then the torture of the inquisitors ("I remember how a crowd of peasants wanted to kill me, After the inquisitors mutilated my body!"). His talent as a necromancer became the cause of his suffering, making him an outcast.

Internal Struggle:

The hero is aware of his dual nature: "Half human - half dead!". He is like a "wolf among sheep", a stranger in the world of people. His life is full of suffering, but he is unable to change his path, his "war with himself."

Curse and Despair:

In desperation and anger, the hero curses his offenders, sending plague, hunger and cold upon them ("I have cast my curse on the whole district - Crops are dying, and there is plague and famine all around, And wandering winds bring a terrible cold!"). This is a cry of despair, a plea for help addressed to the indifferent moon, to which he turns in the chorus.

The Image of the Moon:

The moon becomes a symbol of the mysterious force that the hero asks questions about the meaning of his existence. He sees in her a silent witness to his suffering, perhaps even the force that endowed him with the gift of necromancy.

The Tragedy of the Hero:

The song "Necromancer" is a story about the tragedy of a person endowed with extraordinary abilities, which instead of recognition brought him only suffering and loneliness. It is a story about misunderstanding, fear and despair that can lead to devastating consequences.

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