The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Invisible Man" (Nevidimka) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A nasty plot in court, how lovely!

Everyone can mock a scientist!

They attributed all sorts of heresy to me,

And the judge, the villain, sat there in all his glory.

Fools! How wrong you were,

Throwing this lie at me!

I could have achieved great fame,

If only you had let me finish the experiment.

The judge left me

No choice.

An experiment on myself

On that fateful

Night I did set.

And vanished in an instant.

The invisible man is here again -

He's looking into your faces.

Dissolved in a furious rage,

And there's no hiding from him,

The lights are going out, and you'll have no peace.

The black robe

I see again,

Everything inside is boiling.

How I dislike it,

And hate

The appearance of the chief judge.

The invisible man is here again -

He's looking into your faces.

Dissolved in a furious rage,

And there's no hiding from him,

The lights are going out, and you'll have no peace.

Their accusations are all lies!

A game of greedy, dirty minds.

But I will get to each and every one of you,

The time for righteous revenge has come!

There are no more laws for me

From now and forevermore.

What can you do now, judge?

Nothing, of course.

Гадкий заговор в суде, какая прелесть!

Над учёным издеваться могут все!

Мне приписывали всяческую ересь

И судья - злодей сидел во всей красе.

Недоумки! Как же были вы не правы,

В адрес мой кидая этот лживый бред!

А ведь я бы мог большой добиться славы,

Если б дали завершить эксперимент.

Выбора мне судья

Не оставил.

Над собой эксперимент

В ту роковую я

Ночь поставил.

И исчез в один момент.

Снова невидимка где-то здесь -

Он смотрит в Ваши лица.

В лютом гневе растворился весь

И от него не скрыться,

Гаснет свет, и вам покоя нет.

Чёрную мантию

Снова вижу,

Закипает всё внутри.

Как её не люблю,

И ненавижу

Облик главного судьи.

Снова невидимка где-то здесь -

Он смотрит в Ваши лица.

В лютом гневе растворился весь,

И от него не скрыться,

Гаснет свет, и вам покоя нет.

Их обвинения - всё это липа!

Алчных, грязных умишек игра.

Но доберусь я до каждого типа,

Праведной мести настала пора!

Нет законов больше для меня

Отныне и навечно.

Что теперь вы можете, судья?

Да ничего, конечно.

The lyrics of the song "Invisible Man" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tell a story of revenge by a scientist who has been unjustly condemned. The phrase "A nasty conspiracy in court, how lovely!" is full of sarcasm and bitterness. By calling the trial "a nasty conspiracy," the protagonist emphasizes its illegitimacy and bias. The word "lovely" is used ironically, expressing not pleasure but rather disgust and contempt for what is happening. The scientist sees the trial as a farce, where he is being mocked without any attempt to understand the essence of his work.

Further, calling the judges "fools," the character emphasizes their incompetence and their inability to grasp the importance of his scientific research. He is sure of his righteousness ("Throwing this false nonsense at me!") and believes that he was deprived of the opportunity to make a discovery that would bring him fame ("And I could have achieved great fame, if only they had let me finish the experiment").

The court pushes the scientist to a desperate step – he experiments on himself and becomes invisible. Now, full of anger and a thirst for revenge, he becomes an invisible threat ("The invisible man is here again - He is looking into your faces..." ). The image of the "black robe" that disgusts the protagonist symbolizes the judicial system that unjustly condemned him.

The finale of the song demonstrates the triumph of revenge – the hero frees himself from social norms ("There are no more laws for me from now on and forever") and craves retribution ("But I will get to every one of them, the time for righteous revenge has come!").

Thus, the phrase "A nasty conspiracy in court, how lovely!" sets the tone for the entire text, reflecting the sarcasm, bitterness, and thirst for revenge of the hero who faced injustice and misunderstanding.

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