The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hunter" (Ohotnik) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

It was getting dark outside, night was falling.

Men were sitting at the kitchen table.

All evening long the rain beat incessantly on the roof,

And thunder roared terribly somewhere by the river.


And in the house there was merriment and revelry,

No one yet knew that at that moment

The hunter Sebastian, who was sleeping in the attic,

Suddenly turned black in the face, became decrepit, like an old man.





The storm ended and the rain passed,

A full moon appeared in the sky.

And the drunken people collapsed into the yard,

The men are laughing, shouting, they can't sleep.

But suddenly a roar came from the darkness,

Then the door flew open from its hinges.

Behind the noisy crowd

A huge, terrible beast ran.





At dawn the roosters began to crow,

And the coniferous forest rustled.

And in the field by the river

Lay five bloody bodies.

Waking up at home on the floor,

The hunter looked in the mirror.

'Oh, how sweetly I slept!' -

He said to himself with a laugh.








Темнело за окном, наступала ночь.

За кухонным столом сидели мужики.

Весь вечер беспрерывно бил по крыше дождь,

И гром гремел ужасно где-то у реки.


А в доме шло веселье и гульба,

Ещё никто не знал, что в этот миг

Охотник Себастьен, что спал на чердаке,

Вдруг почернел лицом, стал дряхлый, как старик.





Закончилась гроза и дождь прошёл,

На небе появилась полная луна.

И повалил во двор подвыпивший народ,

Смеются мужики, кричат, им не до сна.

Но вдруг из темноты раздался рёв,

Затем с петель слетела в доме дверь.

За шумною толпой

Бежал огромный страшный зверь.





С зарёй запели петухи,

И хвойный лес зашелестел.

А в поле у реки

Лежало пять кровавых тел.

Проснувшись дома не полу,

Охотник в зеркало взглянул.

"О, как я сладко спал!" -

Себе со смехом он сказал.








The song "Hunter" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a chilling story about a sinister transformation that befalls a hunter named Sebastian. Under the cover of a thunderstorm and the merriment inside the house, he undergoes a gruesome metamorphosis, becoming a bloodthirsty beast.

Duality of Atmosphere: The lyrics juxtapose the cozy atmosphere of festivity inside the house ("mirth and revelry") with the ominous storm raging outside. This contrast highlights a hidden threat and foreshadows something sinister.

Transformation and Violence: Sebastian's transformation is described in a chilling manner: "his face turned black, he became decrepit like an old man." It happens unnoticed by the feasting people, which amplifies the feeling of mystery and horror. The climax is the bloody massacre of people in the courtyard – a scene full of dynamism and terror.

Ignorance and Indifference: The horrifying truth about the nightmarish events is revealed only in the morning. The final image of Sebastian calmly looking in the mirror emphasizes his indifference to what he has done and leaves a lingering sense of unease.

Symbolism: The image of a hunter, traditionally associated with strength and control, takes on a sinister connotation in the song. Sebastian's transformation can be interpreted as a metaphor for the hidden dark sides of human nature, breaking free under the influence of unknown forces.

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