The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Father and Masks" (Otec i Maski) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

One fine early morning, a young father

Took his children to the park for a stroll.

They saw a sad salesman

Selling masks in a secluded alley.

"Buy us masks, Father!" the children cried.

"This is what we've always dreamed of!"

The father reached into his pocket, unable to refuse his little ones.

"Choose your masks, my friends!

Alesha, you're a boar now, Dima, you're a ghoul.

Sasha, you're like a witch, in your ginger dress!"

Joyful children danced around their father:

"Ah, Papa, you're the best in the world for us!"

The father reached into his pocket to pay for the masks,

But the salesman suddenly vanished.

Suddenly, the children's voices were transformed,

They began to attack their father.

Biting his neck, rolling him in the mud,

They grew beastly paws.

The father lay, bleeding crimson,

As the ghoul bit him, hiccupping slightly.

The boar was already tearing at the lifeless body,

And the ginger witch flew over the corpse.

"Buy us masks, Father," the children cried.

Один молодой отец в хорошее раннее утро

Повел своих детей в парк на прогулку.

Увидели они печальный продавец

Маски продавал в глухом переулке.

"Купи отец нам маски"- дети закричали.

"Об этом мы, об этом мы всегда мечтали!"

Отец полез в карман, ведь малышам не мог он отказать.

"Маски друзья себе выбирайте!

Алеша теперь кабан, ты, Дима, вурдалак.

Саша, ты как ведьма, в своём рыжем платье!"

Вокруг отца плясали радостные дети:

"Ах, папа, ты для нас - ты лучше всех на свете!"

Отец полез в за маски эти расплатиться,

Но продавец куда-то резко испарился.

Но вдруг у малышей голоса преобразились,

Стали они кидаться на папу.

Кусать его за шею, валять его в грязи,

Стали у них звериные лапы.

Отец лежал, багряной кровью истекая

А вурдалак его кусал, слегка икая.

Кабан терзал уже безжизненное тело,

И ведьма рыжая над трупом пролетела.

"Купи, отец, нам маски"- дети закричали.

"Father and Masks" by the Russian band "Korol i Shut" ("The King and the Jester") is a dark fairy tale-parable steeped in horror and black humor, characteristic of the band's work.

The meaning of the song is multifaceted:

Literal Interpretation: On the surface lies the story of a frivolous father who doesn't realize the danger posed by the strange vendor and the ominous masks. His desire to please his children turns into a tragedy – the children, transformed into beasts, kill their parent.

Symbolism of Masks: Masks in literature and art often symbolize hidden desires, the dark sides of our personalities that we hide from others. By putting on the masks, the children unleash their primal aggression, which was dormant within.

Critique of Consumerism: The song can be interpreted as a critique of consumer society, where people, like children, chase instant gratification without thinking about the consequences. The father, without hesitation, buys masks for his children, trying to satisfy their fleeting whim.

Theme of Responsibility: "Father and Masks" raises the question of parents' responsibility for their children and for the values they instill in them. The father failed to protect his children from danger, and his carelessness led to a tragic end.

Atmosphere of Horror: An important role in creating the meaning is played by the atmosphere of horror and hopelessness, which is achieved through dark imagery, chilling music, and the piercing vocals of Mikhail Gorsheniov.

The final lines, echoing the children's request to buy masks, sound particularly ominous, hinting at the cyclical nature of violence and that evil, once unleashed, cannot be stopped.

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