The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Furious Revenge!" (Otvet Lyutaya Mest!) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Another sleepless night,

The moon stares through the pane.

Perhaps it knows the blight,

The nightmares that drive me insane!

Again I hear the sound

Of dry crackling fire.

My wife's screams resound,

Burned alive, her funeral pyre.

My neighbor downstairs,

Delirious, I hear his plea.

The basement, in darkness it stares,

A strange death's decree.

The outraged husband will avenge,

Honest folk, may God forgive their sin.

Jealousy's a vengeful fringe,

Infidelity, a trifle within.

That's how it is in this world so wide:

Where two reside, a third cannot hide.

But within these walls, there's no space

For those two to embrace!

Moon, you never sleep,

Watching over me.

What I hear, you keep,

These sounds, please, set me free!

The outraged husband will avenge,

Honest folk, may God forgive their sin.

Jealousy's a vengeful fringe,

Infidelity, a trifle within.

That's how it is in this world so wide:

Where two reside, a third cannot hide.

But within these walls, there's no space

For those two to embrace!

This is my answer, vengeance so cruel!

Their bodies are gone, but their screams still rule!

Опять ночь без сна,

В окно смотрит луна.

Наверное, знает она,

Отчего, так мучают кошмары!..

Опять слышу я

Сухой треск огня.

И жена кричит моя,

Год назад сгоревшая в кровати.

Внизу мой сосед,

Его слышен бред.

Там, в подвале, потухший свет,

Стал причиной очень странной смерти!..

Муж рассерженный отомстит,

Они честные люди, их Бог простит.

Ревность - это беда, а измена - ерунда!

Так устроен наш белый свет:

Там, где двое, для третьего места нет.

Только в стенах моих нету места

Для этих двоих!

Луна. Ты не спишь.

За мной ты следишь.

То, что слышу я, ты услышь!

Уничтожь, прошу, все эти звуки!

Муж рассерженный отомстит,

Они честные люди, их Бог простит.

Ревность - это беда, а измена - ерунда!

Так устроен наш белый свет:

Там, где двое, для третьего места нет.

Только в стенах моих нету места

Для этих двоих!

Вот мой ответ - лютая месть!

В доме их нет, но крики их есть!

The song "Cruel Revenge!" by the band "Korol i Shut" is a narrative from the perspective of a lyrical hero obsessed with madness and a thirst for revenge. He suffers from insomnia and nightmares caused by the tragic events of the past. The hero sees the moon in the window and seems to be talking to it, sharing his experiences.

The lyrics of the song are built on the hero's memories and hallucinations. He sees his burning wife, hears the dying screams of a neighbor from a flooded basement. All these images are a consequence of his own actions. The phrase "The angry husband will take revenge, / They are honest people, God will forgive them" makes it clear that the hero committed murder out of jealousy, having dealt with his wife and her lover.

He tries to convince himself that the truth is on his side: "Jealousy is a misfortune, and treason is nonsense! / This is how our white world works: / Where there are two, there is no place for a third." However, these excuses are just an attempt to drown out the feeling of guilt and horror at what he has done.

The final lines of the song "Here is my answer - cruel revenge! / They are not in the house, but their screams are!" show that the hero has gone mad. He does not repent of what he has done; moreover, revenge has brought him only new suffering: the ghosts of the murdered haunt him, giving him no peace.

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