The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Guy and the Leshy" (Paren i Leschiy) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

In forest's depths, in darkness, on a moonless night

A fellow wandered, worried, striking matches bright.

The woods with eerie silence whispered of his fate,

A joyless outcome, sealed and desolate.

Each bush a beast, it seemed, with predatory gleam,

Above his head, the branches creaked, a haunting dream.

He stumbled on a hut, his vision strained and sore,

As darkness held him captive, evermore.


He banged his head upon the door in joyous plight,

And wailed, "I'm lost, all day within this forest's night!

I wander like a beast, pursued by shadows deep,

Let me in, I beg, or I'll tear this hovel cheap!"

But from the thicket, bent with age and overgrown,

A bearded ancient emerged, on thin spine, skin and bone.

He vanished in a blink, atop a pine so high,

His beard and whiskers tangled with the branches nigh.

The fellow stepped back, startled by this mystic sight,

He tripped and tumbled down, into the ravine's night.

Among the toadstools at the bottom, he did lie,

Head spinning wildly, under the indifferent sky.


"Ah, pardon me, good sir, for you stand now before,

An old man in his woods, frightened to his core!"

The old man raised his fist above the fellow's head,

"Such impudence I've never met, alive or dead!"

"But I disagree, old man, we're even in this plight,

For scaring you, I fell into this sorry sight!

Go bother someone else!" the fellow shouted back,

The old man understood, this lad was no fool, in fact.


В лесной глуши, во тьме, безлунной ночью

Скитался парень, волновался, спички жег.

И тишиной зловещей лес ему пророчил,

Его судьбы весьма безрадостный итог.

И каждый куст свирепым хищником казался.

Скрипели ветки у него над головой.

Перед землянкой он внезапно оказался,

До боли напрягая взгляд плененный тьмой.


От радости он в дверь ударил головою

И жалобно стонал: «Я целый день в лесу

Блуждаю будто зверь, того гляди завою

Пустите, а не то, землянку разнесу!»

Но с кучей хвороста на узенькой спине,

Из чащи вышел дед, заросший волосами.

И в тот же миг он очутился на сосне,

За ветки бородой цепляясь и усами.

И парень сделал шаг назад и оступился.

Упал и покатился кубарем в овраг,

На самом дне средь мухоморов очутился

И голова кружилась, черти знает как.


«Ах, виноват, бродяга, ты передо мною,

В моем родном лесу меня ты напугал!»

Занес кулак у парня дед над головою:

«Таких я отродясь нахалов не видал!»

«Я не согласен дед с тобою, тем мы квиты,

Что испугав тебя - я сам упал в овраг!

Иди ты к лешему!» - воскликнул он сердито.

И леший понял - этот парень не дурак.


The song "Guy and Leshy" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a chance encounter between a young man and a forest spirit, full of comical misunderstandings and fear.


From the very first lines, an oppressive atmosphere of a dense forest is created: "In the forest wilderness, in the darkness, on a moonless night." The guy, clearly lost, is overcome with anxiety and fear, which is emphasized by the gesture - "he lit matches," trying to somehow illuminate his path and drive away imaginary monsters. The forest, immersed in "ominous silence," foreshadows something bad for him, personifying the hostile force of nature.


Suddenly, the traveler stumbles upon a dugout, which promises him a welcome shelter. In desperation, "out of joy, he hit his head on the door," begging to be let in. His words are saturated with fear and despair; he compares himself to a hunted animal.

Uninvited guest:

The owner emerges from the dugout - an old man "with a pile of brushwood on his narrow back," overgrown, like a Leshy from fairy tales. His appearance is accompanied by a phantasmagorical act - he "found himself on a pine tree, clinging to the branches with his beard and mustache." The guy, terrified and caught off guard, falls into a ravine.

Comic situation:

The young man's fall becomes a turning point, shifting the narrative into a realm of comic absurdity. It turns out that Leshy was no less frightened than the guy, mistaking him for a threat. The enraged old man swings at the young man, accusing him of being impudent.

Courage and resourcefulness:

Instead of apologizing, the guy boldly objects, pointing out the absurdity of the situation: "We are even because by frightening you - I fell into the ravine myself!". The young man does not lose his presence of mind and exclaims in his hearts: "Go to the Leshy!". This phrase, full of irony, shows that fear has receded, replaced by anger and a desire to stand up for himself. Leshy, amazed by such audacity, recognizes him as "not a fool."


The ending of the song remains open, but the final chorus suggests that the conflict is resolved. The young man will most likely still find shelter in the dugout, and the encounter with the "Leshy" will turn into an amusing story.


The song "Guy and Leshy" is not just a scary story about an encounter with a mystical creature. It's a story about the fear of the unknown, which is often stronger than real danger. It talks about how courage and resourcefulness can help you get out of any situation, even the most absurd. The comic subtext of the song, the play on words, and the grotesque images create the unique style of the band "Korol i Shut," where the terrible and the funny are intertwined.

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