The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Writer Goodwin" (Pisatel Gudvin) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The writer Goodwin was a seasoned wordsmith.

Unfortunately, all his friends had perished.

But as soon as I became his favorite character,

My life took a turn for the worse.


I don't want to be

A bestseller star posthumously!

Writer, be aware,

I can kill you too, I swear!

I'm not joking with you,

And don't you joke with me!

Damn Goodwin is up to something again!

His fantasies are haunting me!

I'm being hunted, watched, and threatened.

People around don't see what I see!


I don't want to be

A bestseller star posthumously!

Writer, be aware,

I can kill you too, I swear!

I'm not joking with you,

And don't you joke with me!

I refuse to become your victim!

Your tricks won't work on me, Goodwin!

And I understand my goal very clearly:

You yourself, writer Goodwin, will soon be gone!


I don't want to be

A bestseller star posthumously!

Writer, be aware,

I can kill you too, I swear!

I'm not joking with you,

And don't you joke with me!

The killer caught my scent,

A dramatic finale is coming.

Writer, hurry!

I stand behind you,

Battered but alive.

Playing with me was a fatal mistake!

The pen marks the paper chaotically,

A good ending just won't come, as if to spite me!

Another story ends tragically -

The main character is out of luck again.

Писатель Гудвин был творцом строки со стажем.

К несчастью, все его друзья перевелись.

Но лишь я стал его любимым персонажем,

Как у меня проблемы в жизни начались.


Звездой бестселлера я быть

Посмертно не хочу!

Писатель, учтите,

Я тоже вас могу убить!

Я с вами не шучу,

И вы не шутите!

Проклятый Гудвин снова что-то затевает!

Его фантазии преследуют меня!

За мной охотятся, следят и угрожают.

Народ вокруг не видит то, что вижу я!


Звездой бестселлера я быть

Посмертно не хочу!

Писатель, учтите,

Я тоже вас могу убить!

Я с вами не шучу,

И вы не шутите!

Я становиться вашей жертвой не желаю!

Со мною, Гудвин, ваши штучки не пройдут!

И цель свою я очень чётко понимаю:

Вас самого, писатель Гудвин, скоро не найдут!


Звездой бестселлера я быть

Посмертно не хочу!

Писатель, учтите,

Я тоже вас могу убить!

Я с вами не шучу,

И вы не шутите!

Убийца след учуял мой,

Финал грядёт крутой.

Писатель, спешите!

Стою у вас я за спиной,

Помятый, но живой.

Со мной игра была ошибкой роковой!

Перо марает лист бумаги хаотично,

Концовки доброй не выходит, как назло!

Очередной рассказ кончается трагично -

Герою главному опять не повезло.

This song, "Writer Goodwin" by the Russian band Korol i Shut, tells the story of a fictional character who becomes self-aware and finds himself trapped in a horrifying narrative.

He's not just a static image on a page; he's alive, thinking, and fully aware that his every move, every breath, depends on the whims of his creator, the writer Goodwin. This realization, coupled with the dark turn the story takes, fills him with terror.

He's a prisoner in someone else's imagination, hunted and threatened by dangers that only exist within the confines of the book, within his mind and the mind of his creator. The people around him are oblivious, unaware of the terrors that plague him.

His desperation grows. He refuses to be a victim and decides to take control of his fate. He realizes that the only way to survive is to eliminate the one who holds his life in their hands: the writer, Goodwin. The final lines depict the climax of their confrontation, leaving the listener hanging in suspense.

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