The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The literal translation of "Песня Мушкетёров" is "Song of the Musketeers". However, to give you a proper translation, I need more context. Are you referring to a specific song? For example: Is it a song" (Pesnya Muschketyorov) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The wind sways the grasses in the field,

I'd walk barefoot through them with delight.

- Pour me some wine, my friend, pour me some more,

We'll drink now, and we'll drink through the night.

- And I swear by my own sharp blade,

I'll run through anyone in my way.

- With friends, I never feel out of place,

With friends, it's a joy to go astray.


For each other, if we must,

We'll fight in a brawl, and even die.

And for that, here's our reward robust:

Together, we live life merrily high!

Down the street, in step they stride,

The musketeers of the king's own guard.

Athos, Porthos, and Aramis too!

- But where is d'Artagnan?

- I am here, it's true!

- My friends, a secret I'll tell to you,

I am a devotee of feminine grace.

- Oh ho! Found another coin, it's true,

To the tavern you'll come, let's embrace!

- I'll always stand my ground, you see,

Defending my honor and dignity.

- And I'll kick up such a fuss, boldly,

They'll all be ready to devour me!


- I visit women, far and wide,

Each one charming in her own special way.

- I'm not stingy, I'll gladly provide,

Then we'll party on yours, come what may.

- Always ready for a fight, it's true,

My blade strikes fear in every foe I meet.

- And my blade is always with me too,

Tucked away in my velvet breeches, oh so neat!


- Качает ветер травы в поле,

По ним пройтись бы босиком.

- Налей вина мой друг, налей поболе.

Сейчас мы выпьем и потом.

- А я клянусь своею шпагой,

Проткну любого на своем пути.

- С друзьями я себя не чувствую салагой,

С друзьями весело идти.


Друг за друга если надо

Вступим в драку, и умрем.

И за это нам награда:

Вместе весело живем!

По улице шагают в ногу

Мушкетеры короля.

Атос, Портос и Арамис!

- А где Гасконец?

- Вот он я!

- Друзья скажу вам по секрету,

Что я поклонник женской красоты.

- Ого! Нашел еще монету.

В трактир пойдешь со мною ты!

- Я отстоять всегда сумею

Свое достоинство и честь.

- А я порою так борзею,

Что все меня готовы съесть!


- Я разных женщин посещаю,

И все милы по-своему они.

- Я не скупой, я угощаю,

Потом гуляем на твои.

- Всегда готов к любому бою,

Своим клинком врагу внушаю страх.

- И мой клинок всегда со мною

В широких бархатных штанах!


The song "The Musketeers" by the band "Korol i Shut" hides a deep meaning behind its cheerful and bravado facade, reflecting the spirit of true friendship, loyalty, and a thirst for adventure.

The lyrics paint a vivid picture: carefree musketeers strolling down the street, enjoying wine, and ready to risk their lives for each other. The opening lines create a serene atmosphere of freedom and unity with nature: "The wind sways the grass in the field, I'd like to walk barefoot on it." This simplicity of desires emphasizes the musketeers' closeness to the natural order of things, their ability to appreciate every moment.

What follows are oaths of allegiance and a willingness to stand up for one another. The phrase "With my friends, I don't feel like a greenhorn" suggests that in the company of faithful comrades, each musketeer gains confidence in himself and his abilities. The chorus of the song becomes a hymn to their brotherhood: "If needed for each other, we'll get into a fight and die. And for this, our reward is: we live together merrily!". The life of a musketeer is full of danger, but it is friendship that makes it meaningful and joyful.

Each musketeer has his own character and weaknesses. Someone, like Athos, appreciates female beauty, someone, like Porthos, loves to eat well and boast, and someone, like Aramis, is always ready for battle. However, all these differences fade into the background when it comes to friendship and honor.

The song "The Musketeers" is not just a catchy tune, but a philosophical reflection on the values that remain unchanged at all times: loyalty, mutual assistance, a thirst for life, and the ability to enjoy every day spent in the company of true friends.

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