The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Pirate" (Pirat) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A gray old man, looking quite the knave,

Emerged from the tavern, a rum bottle in his wave.

He stumbled upon some young officers bold,

And one of them declared, "Now we've got you, you're old!

Your daring adventures are a thing of the past,

But time hasn't softened your menace, it's still amassed.

'A handsome reward awaits for your capture, my lads!

Tell me, you wouldn't want it wasted on the dead?'


There's no corner of the ocean we haven't explored,

And let me tell you now, without a single word ignored,

You, brave souls, have chosen the wrong prey this time!

Sheep don't hunt the wolves, no matter the rhyme!

'You're ancient, yet you hold yourself with grace,

But you're mistaken, this isn't about the reward we chase!

My father, a captain of a frigate so grand,

He met his end at your filthy hands, you pirate fiend!'

Your father's story is a different tale,

He jumped into a shark's maw, his courage failed.

Before that, he suffered, enduring agonizing pain -

I severed his head and arm in the heat of the main!


The officer's veins bulged with furious might,

He plunged his dagger into the buccaneer's neck, ending the fight.

Dropping his bottle, the old man crumpled to the sand,

And from his wound, instead of blood, flowed strong rum, unplanned...


Седой старик на вид довольно скверный

С бутылкой рома вышел из таверны

Возле молодых он офицеров оказался

И сказал один из них: "Ну, вот ты и попался!

Остались в прошлом бравые походы,

Но грозный нрав не изменили годы.

«За мою поимку вас, ребята, ждет награда!

Согласитесь, мертвецам ее уже не надо!»


В океане нету места, где бы мы ни побывали

И скажу я вам сейчас, без дураков!

Вы, ей богу, смельчаки, не на того сейчас напали!

Не охотятся овечки на волков!

"Ты очень стар, но держишься умело,

Но ты не прав тут не в награде дело!

Мой отец был капитаном славного фрегата

Он погиб от грязных рук твоих, от рук пирата!"

С твоим отцом история другая,

Он в пасть акулы прыгнул убегая

Перед этим он страдал испытывая муку -

Отрубил ему в бою я голову и руку!


От гнева вздулись вены офицера,

Вонзил кинжал он в шею флибустьера.

Уронив бутылку, на песок старик свалился

А из раны вместо крови крепкий ром полился...


The song "Pirate" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells a story about an unexpected encounter between an old pirate and a young officer whose father the pirate killed many years ago. The lyrics are full of irony and black humor, typical of the band's work.

The old pirate, despite his age, retains his enthusiasm and audacity. He does not hide his past and even boasts about it, provoking the officer. The phrase "There's a reward for my capture, lads! But you'll agree, dead men don't need it!" demonstrates his cynicism and contempt for death.

The officer, obsessed with revenge for his father, does not give in to the pirate's provocations. He craves justice and wants to punish the murderer. However, the truth about his father's death turns out to be completely different from what he imagined. The pirate says that the captain himself jumped to the sharks, fleeing from him. This detail adds an unexpected twist to the story and calls into question the image of the hero officer.

The climax of the song comes when the officer, in a fit of rage, kills the pirate. But the ending turns out to be even more unexpected: instead of blood, strong rum pours from the pirate's wound. This detail turns the tragedy into a farce, emphasizing the absurdity of the situation and questioning the reality of what is happening. Perhaps the whole scene is just a drunken pirate's delusion.

The song "Pirate" is a story about revenge, truth and lies, about the clash of illusions with reality. It makes you think about the value of human life, whether revenge always brings satisfaction and where the line between heroism and cruelty lies.

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