The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Beer Skull" (Pivnoy Cherep) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The leaves rustle, a serpent hisses in the woods,

Clouds drift across the sky, the moon hangs high!

By the pond I met them, lads drinking and feasting -

A merry feast in the forest's hush,

They all want to drink with me.


Drink, have some beer with us, lad,

Don't be shy, drink up!

And believe us, we know a thing or two

About drinks,

Drink up! Drink, don't hold back!

I didn't refuse, drank their strange brew,

Clouds drifted across the sky - and swept me away.

My head is spinning above the ground.

My arms and legs bid me farewell.

And then my body flew away, God, how tiresome it all is!


Mother wasn't wrong when she said:

"Don't drink with strangers, son!"

With humans, it's one thing,

But with demons - never!


My head is now a souvenir -

A smooth skull with living eyes,

A remarkable ashtray, worth a fortune.

I'm strict with myself these days, friends -

They drink beer without me.

Шелестит листва, в лесу шипит змея

Плывут по небу облака, высоко луна!

У пруда я их встретил, парни пили и ели -

Веселый пир в глуши лесной

Выпить все хотят со мной


Выпей, с нами пива, парень,

Не стесняйся, пей скорей!

И ты поверь, уж мы-то знаем

Толк в напитках,

Пей скорей! Пей, не жалей!

Уклоняться не стал я, выпил странного пива

Плывут по небу облака - понесло меня.

Голова летит моя над землей.

Руки, ноги попрощались со мной.

А позже тело улетело, Боже, как это надоело!


Говорила мне мать не зря:

Пить с чужими, сынок нельзя!

С людьми еще туда-сюда,

С демонами - никогда!


Сувенир теперь моя голова -

Гладкий череп - в нем живые глаза

Замечательная пепельница, много денег стоит она

Я нынче строг к себе, друзья -

Пиво пьют без меня.

The song "Beer Skull" by the band "Korol i Shut" is a darkly humorous tale about the consequences of reckless revelry. The lyrical hero, tempted by the offer of strangers to join a feast, ignores his mother's warnings and pays for his carelessness with his life.

The text is full of ominous foreshadowing: a snake in the forest, "strange" beer, unnatural intoxication, limbs separated from the body - all this hints at something amiss from the very beginning. The hero, however, intoxicated by imaginary hospitality, does not notice the signs until it is too late.

The ending of the song is particularly interesting. The hero, having lost his body, does not experience fear or regret. His skull, turned into an ashtray, continues to observe the world, drawing an ironic lesson from the tragedy. He himself admits his mistake, but does it with a touch of black humor, emphasizing the absurdity of the situation.

The song "Beer Skull" is an allegory for human carelessness, frivolity, and the tendency to ignore obvious dangers. It is a reminder of the importance of common sense, caution, and the ability to say "no" in time, even if the offer seems tempting.

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