The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Drevlians remember with bitterness." (Pomnyat s gorechyu Drevlyane) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The Drevlians remember with bitterness, though many years have passed,

The romantic Demyan, whose skeleton lies in the woods.

It's a pity that no one believes him, although it was breathtaking,

His tales of a fairy - the mistress of flies.

This fairy, the romantic was full of passion and love,

He wanted to express his feelings to her!

To express his feelings!

Every time he saw the fairy, he would repeat to her:

"I will not regret giving my life for your love!"

All froze in amazement, only the people learned about it,

That Demyan, at the behest of the fairy, began to worship flies!

The romantic created an idol in the ravine,

He brought him sacrifices!

This fairy, the romantic was full of passion and love,

He wanted to express his feelings to her!

To express his feelings!

Oh, people, we need to worship flies,

And not pagan gods!

I, brothers, before I fell in love with the fairy,

In fact, I was hopeless!

The romantic did not know that she

Was not born for love.

And he himself was not sinless,

He, too, had once killed flies.

Flies flew at him from all sides,

He was ritually eaten...

Помнят с горечью древляне, хоть прошло немало лет,

О романтике Демьяне, чей лежит в лесу скелет.

Жаль, никто ему не верит, хоть захватывало дух

От его былин о фее - повелительнице мух.

К этой фее был романтик полон страсти и любви,

Чувства ей хотел он выразить свои!

Чувства выразить свои!

В час, когда он видел фею, начинал ей повторять:

"Жизнь свою не пожалею за твою любовь отдать!"

Все застыли в изумленье, лишь народ о том узнал,

Что Демьян по воле феи поклоняться мухам стал!

Романтик идола в овраге сотворил,

Ему он жертвы приносил!

К этой фее был романтик полон страсти и любви,

Чувства ей хотел он выразить свои!

Чувства выразить свои!

Ай, люди, мухам поклоняться нужно нам,

А не языческим богам!

Я, братцы, до того, как фею полюбил,

По сути, безнадёжным был!

Не знал романтик, что она

Для любви не рождена.

И не безгрешен сам он был,

Он тоже мух когда-то бил.

Летели мухи на него со всех сторон,

Был ритуально скушан он...

The lyrics of the song "Remember with Bitterness, the Drevlyans" by the band "Korol i Shut" tell the tragic story of the romantic Demyan. Demyan, obsessed with love for the mysterious "fairy - mistress of the flies," becomes an object of ridicule and distrust from the inhabitants of Drevlyane. His stories about the fairy and her power are perceived as the ravings of a madman.

However, Demyan sincerely believes in his love and is ready for anything for the sake of his chosen one. He builds an idol for her in a ravine and makes sacrifices, which causes even more misunderstanding and fear among those around him. The culmination is the scene where Demyan calls on the inhabitants of Drevlyane to worship flies, declaring them deities.

The text contains tragic irony. Demyan, blinded by love, does not notice the true nature of his beloved. The "fairy - mistress of the flies" is most likely a metaphor for something base and disgusting, which contrasts with Demyan's sublime feelings.

The ending of the song is tragic: Demyan, rejected by his "fairy", becomes a victim of his own obsession. The flies he worshipped attack him and ritually devour him.

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